R&B: Beyonce

Move over Beyonce, the new queen of R&B is Sasha Fierce.

Of course, Fierce is Beyonce -- more precisely, Sasha Fierce is an alter ego devised by B to perform the second, more dance-oriented disc of her new album, "I Am ... Sasha Fierce." The album's first disc is devoted to more meditative balladry, and is performed under Beyonce's own given name, presumably because it offers a more personal and authentic glimpse of the singer.

The split personality move is odd and unnecessary on several levels, including the terrible pacing involved in stringing together six slow songs and then five fast songs, as well as the wholly wasteful dual-disc format. Then there's the fact that B's last album, 2006's "B'Day," consisted almost entirely of upbeat dance fare yet didn't require any sobriquets.

Angelina Jolie hairstyles

Salma Hayek Hairstyles

The new mom is beautiful inside and out, having signed on as ambassador for a Pampers/UNICEF program that provides tetanus shots to babies and mothers in developing countries. (Every pack of diapers with a UNICEF logo sold pays for one shot.) "You give them the vaccine, they don’t die," says Hayek, 41. "It's not just about creating a better world for my daughter, Valentina, but also being more passionate about diminishing the suffering of women and children all over the world."

4 Ways To Get Your Opt In Subscribers To Trust You Quickly

While the rest of the world have developed many barriers and protections to keep their e-mail accounts spam-free, there are also those that subscribe to mails that promotes their products, services and their site. This is mainly because these subscribes wants to know more about what these sites are offering and can be beneficial for them. They expect to get be kept posted on what they are interested in and what are new in the market or field they have chosen.

Businesses would be so lucky to have these kinds of customers; the basic element needed to get these types of people is trust. When your customers trust you they will reward you with their loyalty. Many Internet users have gone to great lengths in protecting their email accounts from spam mail. Some free-mail Internet providers and Internet service providers offer spam protection while there are also some Internet based companies that screen your mails for you.

With an opt-in mail list, the mails you send containing your promotional materials such as newsletters, catalogs and marketing media will go through. Your intended recipient will be able to read and view what you have sent making it a successful transfer of information. To be able to be allowed to do so, you will need permission from your recipient, to get this permission; you need to be able to get their trust. With the great lack of disregard for privacy in the Internet, getting the trust of an internet user you don’t personally know is a big achievement.

To build a good opt-in list you need people to trust you, for a faster and quicker build up, you need to get your opt-in subscribers to trust you quickly. The faster you build your opt-in list the faster word about your site and company gets to be spread. The bigger the scope of your opt-in list the more traffic you get spelling more profits. Its easy math if you thin about it. Getting the numbers is not that simple though, or maybe it is?

· Getting the trust of your clientele shouldn’t be so hard especially if you do have a legitimate business. Getting your customers trust should be based upon your expertise. People rely on other people who know what they are talking about. Garner all the knowledge and information about your business. Ell, frankly if you decide to go into a business most probably you have an interest in it. Like how many basketball payers become coaches, you don’t really venture into something you don’t have any interest in.

· Show your clients that you know what you are talking about. Provide them with helpful hints and guidelines that pertain to what you are selling. Talk about how to install a roof if your into hardware products or provide articles on insurance settlements if you’re a settlement lawyer. You don’t have to be a big corporation to make use of an opt-in list. If your customers see you as someone who knows what he is doing and saying, they will trust you quickly.

· Be true to your customers, if you want to hype up your products and services, provide guarantees. The more satisfied customers you get, the bigger probability there is that they will recommend you. Generally, people will trust someone they know, when that someone recommends you then you’re a shoo-in. They will go to your site and check it for themselves and be given a chance to experience what the other shave experienced from you, so make sure to be consistent in the service you provide.

· Another tip in getting a customer to trust you quickly is to provide them an escape hatch. Show them that you are not there to trap them. Keep a clean list that would enable them to unsubscribe anytime they want. Elaborate your web form by providing information on how to unsubscribe from the list. Guarantee them that they can let go of the service whenever they want to. Many are wary that they may be stuck for life and would have to abandon their email accounts when they get pestered with spam.

Remember that when you get the trust of your clients don’t lose that trust. Because if you do anything with their email addresses like sell them or give them out, you will lose many members of your list as ell as potential members. The true quickest way to gain the trust of your subscribers is when you are recommended by someone they trust.

Top 7 Tips To Treat Eye Conditions Using Vision Therapy

By: Raymond Lee Geok Seng

Unfortunately, few people have ever heard of vision therapy. It is the best kept secret in eye care. The few people who know anything about it think it is the Bates Method. But Bates is outdated. This method only focus on the eye muscles. Today, we know, in addition, vision therapy works by retraining the way the brain processes visual imagery. It is more like visual biofeedback than vision callisthenics. Using today's methods, we get better, more permanent results than Bates did. Today's vision therapy helps treat many vision-impairing eye conditions. Here are some of the tips you can consider to treat your eye conditions.

1. Traumatic Brain Injury

Some people who sustain head injuries in auto or other accidents largely recover, except that they experience blurred or double vision. They are often told they have to live with it, but vision therapy can often help them see better.

2. Athletic Performance

Keep your eye on the ball is standard advice in baseball, basketball, tennis, volleyball and many other sports. The problem is that sometimes even world-class athletes can't do it well enough to remain competitive. With the help of vision therapy, they can. In a study, vision therapy was conducted on a group of professional tennis players. Lights were flashed at them and time how long it takes them to respond. At first it may take them one-tenth a second. But after a while, they start responding in one one-hundredth of a second, ten times faster. The difference between a tenth and a hundredth of a second may not sound like much, but when you are playing a professional tennis, it is the difference between seeing the ball leave your opponent's racquet and not seeing it until it is already on your side of the court.

3. Balance

Good vision is critical for good balance because vision, our dominant sense, provides the brain with a great deal of information about the body's position. A group of 20 male and female students were tested on their balance and then trained them in Eyerobics, a visual-skills training program that uses vision therapy exercises to improve depth perception, peripheral vision, reaction time and spatial judgement. After Eyerobics training, the researchers retested the participant's balance and found significant improvement.

4. Crossed Eyes, Lazy Eyes And Binocular Disorder

In addition to causing cosmetic problems ' the eyes look funny' these disorders interfere with reading and close-focus work and may lead to blindness of the weaker eye. They are also surprisingly common. According to a report in the Journal of the American Optometric Association, about 5 percent of schoolchildren have strabismic eyes, and up to 8 percent have some degree of amblyopia. Each year in United States, the National Society to Prevent Blindness estimates 127,000 new diagnoses of amblyopia. Six months of vision therapy produces substantial, long-lasting improvements of these conditions in about 75 percent of cases.

5. Learning Disabilities

Many children diagnosed with learning disabilities or dyslexia does not really have them. They often have learning-related vision problems, and vision therapy can help them – if they are diagnosed and treated by a behavioural optometrist. Unfortunately, many are not. In a study, with three children, two age eight and one ten, who had severe problems with reading. One had been diagnosed as dyslexic. After two months of vision therapy, the children’s reading abilities improved dramatically

6. Focusing Problems

Normal eyes hold objects in focus and automatically refocus when they shift from one object to another that is closer or farther away. People with focusing problems cannot do this, and their constant struggle to keep their eyes focused leads to chronic eyes stress that often causes headaches, fatigue, double or blurry vision and a burning sensation in the eyes. In a study, 96 people with focusing problems were treated with vision therapy. Fifty-three percent were cured. Symptoms were significantly reduced, though not eliminated, in 43 percent. Only 4 percent showed no benefit.

7. Jerking Eye

This condition interferes with smooth eye movement, causing the eyes to jerk from point to point. It impairs reading ability and anything else that requires fluid eye movements. Vision therapy usually can cure ocular-motor problems.

Article Source: http://www.articlesnatch.com

About the Author:
Raymond Lee is one of the foremost experts in the health and fitness industry and is the Founder of Bodyfixes Group specializing in body health, muscle development and dieting. He is currently the author of the latest edition of "Neck Exercises and Workouts." Visit http://www.bodyfixes.com for more information.

3 Quick And Easy Ways To Build A Profitable Opt In List

Here I will offer more advice, for those who have started an opt-in list and have failed, you can rejuvenate your failed venture. For those who are starting, here are three quick and easy ways to build a profitable opt-in list:

1) Get your customers to trust you and your products first.

Just launching your opt-in list would not make you an expert and a believable seller. Put many articles first before you start an opt-in list. Write about the topic you know and have started and used for your site. Try to put forums first to gain knowledge about your customers about their wants and needs and target those wants and needs.

Join forums from other sites as well. Provide expert advices and recommendations. When you feel that people trust you already, you will be able to start your own opt-in list. You can build a base as well with other forum users. You can ask them to join your list. Friends are always good customers. Put up a link to your site so that they may be able to see what you're business is all about.

The certain truth is, the money will only come in when the consumers and subscribers believe and trust in you. They want a product or service that could be a good exchange for their money. People are not going to buy something out of your recommendation if they don’t know you.

2) Find a product or service that people want and need.

Although it may not be your forte, if you provide a service and product that you have researched and learned about well, you can carry it on forward. Invest your time, effort and money that you could sell as well as the buyers or subscribers of your opt-in list can use.

While it is true that it is best to sell something that you have interest in, there are not many people who have the same interest as you if you decide to sell something that is not entirely popular or profitable. Do your research well and you would see the profits come in. Also provide your subscribers with promotional material that they could actually use and spread around.

3) Make friends with other opt-in list users.

This is basically beneficial especially if it is someone who has already launched a successful opt-in list. These are people that have the experience in this venture and experience is still the best teacher. While there are many articles available for you in the Internet to use, there is nothing like getting a first hand account from someone you trust.

Experienced opt-in list users will be able to tell you what to do and what not to do because they have gone through it. While different situations occur for different people, the general concept can still be very helpful. There are many things to avoid and these people will be able to tell you which ones.

Important! Building a profitable opt-in list don’t just happen overnight. There are many preparations and effort to do. Opt-in lists are built from scratch, as your list grows, you should also maintain the quality of your list. Keep it organized and manageable. Get or hire help if need be, just make sure that your subscribers are happy and satisfied and they will be willing to buy from you.

Information on Eye Health and Eye Disease Treatment

By: Cynthia Jones

Without eyesight we are deprived of the ability to perform many activities. Reading and driving is impossible while functioning in general becomes much more difficult. To maintain the health of your eyes you need to understand a bit about how they function. Eye care lab dot com provides information on eyes, eye diseases, and treatments for eye disease.

Eyes are an amazing structure

The eye can be compared to a working camera complete with shutter, lenses and focusing mechanisms. The pupil controls the amount of light that is let into the retina. The pupil has the ability to open and close like a shutter. The light that is let in sends and upside down image to the retina, which is reinterpreted by the brain as right side up. In essence the retina can be compared to film upon which an image is registered.

Anatomically the structure of the eye is very complex. Some of the components of the eye hold fluids such as tears and blood, which help nourish and lubricate the eye tissues. The muscles of the eye help the iris and pupil to move and focus. The eyelids and the epithelium of the cornea help protect the eye from injury. There are also sensors in the eye that send information to the brain to indicate sensations like pain.

Eye problems

The best cure for blindness is prevention. Part of a healthy eye care regime is to make regular visits to the eye doctor to have your eyes checked for common problems. Regular eye exams can help determine if your vision needs correcting or reveal the cause of any vision problems. With early detection many eye diseases, including age related vision problems can be treated and prevented.

It is quite common for people to suffer from refractive errors of the eyes. These are simply known as farsightedness or nearsightedness. Farsighted people can’t see up close and nearsighted individuals can’t see far away.

The arson that a shortsighted person can’t see objects far away is because the lens in the eye focuses only on the sharpest image in front of the retina instead of it. This vision problem is easily corrected by placing a concave lens in front the eye. Conversely if a person is long sighted they can’t see objects up close. This is because the lens of the eyes can only focus on the sharpest image behind the retina instead on it. This is corrected by placing a convex lens in front of the eye.

Farsightedness or nearsightedness is common but there are also much more complex refractive disorders such as astigmatism. The eyes can also be afflicted by disorders such as conjunctivitis (pink eye), blepharitis, allergies diabetic retinopathy and other conditions. Cataracts and glaucoma are prevalent all over the world.

Treatment of eye problems

It is crucial that these types of diseases and visual errors be treated. In this eye care resource you will find the information you need to take better care of your eyes including articles on contact lenses, intraocular lenses, laser surgery, corneal reshaping, intraocular lenses and orthokeratology This website includes a detailed section on laser-assisted vision correcting procedures that involve the use of the newer more sophisticated excimer lasers. These include procedures such as keratoplasty, photorefractive keratectomy (PRK), lasek eye surgery and lasik eye surgery.

It is hoped that this information will help you to better take care of your eyes so you can keep your eyesight to the end of your life.

Article Source: http://www.articlesnatch.com

About the Author:
Cynthia Jones is doing research on Eye Care Treatments for quite some time. She has written a number of articles on Eye Care Information, and has shared her findings through TV talks.

A Swift Revolution

THE story of teen music sensation Taylor Swift's rise to stardom is well worth documenting, writes Subhadran Devan.

Young Nashville songwriter Taylor Swift held the No 1 spot on to the US Billboard Country Album Chart for 17 weeks with her second album, Fearless.

According to a New York Times report, only five other solo female artistes have had albums with 11 or more weeks at the top spot in the five-decade history of Billboard's chart: Alanis Morissette, Whitney Houston, Mariah Carey, Carole King and Judy Garland.

Grammy-nominated Swift's Fearless is all about teenage love and heartbreak. The unique ingredient is that the 20-year-old singer- songwriter keeps the real names intact in the lyrics.

Swift, whose maternal grandmother was an opera singer, is not just country. She has crossed over to pop and hosted the MTV Video Music Awards preshow last year.

And she didn't do this overnight. When tweens are still being tweens, the artiste best known for Teardrops On My Guitar, Tim McGraw and now Love Story, stated in a Universal Music release that she became obsessed with music when "I was six".

"I brought my first LeAnn Rimes album and I was hooked. Aged 10 was when I realised that I didn't have to be what my Dad was. I'd just assumed that because he was a stockbroker, then that's what I would do."

When she was 11, Swift begged her parents to take her to Nashville because she'd seen a TV special on Shania Twain and Faith Hill which said that they made it in the music industry because they went to Nashville.

"I was the most obnoxious kid for about a year, begging every day. So, finally my mum took my brother and I to Nashville for spring break. I walked into all the record labels with my demo CD with me singing karaoke songs, and said, "Hey, I'm Taylor, I'm 11, I want a record deal. Call me.'

"She realised that there were thousands of people just like her.

"That's when I discovered songwriting and playing the guitar."

Before she started high school she was already been singing at coffee shops and minor league baseball games.

She hit the teen music scene with her first single, Tim McGraw while her third single, Teardrops On My Guitar, on her first album, became a crossover hit, peaking at No. 13 on the US Billboard Hot 100 last year.

The country music breakthrough artiste has a New Age marketing strategy. Once the songs are finished Swift used the online social networks - MySpace, Facebook, Twitter - to stay connected with her fans. She also blogs and posts her own videos of her travels online.

Taylor Swift told Universal Music (which distributes her albums) that there were times where she had to work a bit harder to gain respect when she started out because she was only 14.

"I was the youngest person ever signed to a writer's deal.

"I took it very seriously. Every single day at school, I would be studying but thinking about 10 to 15 different ideas to bring to my writing sessions that day. I was really intense about it."

Nashville, says Swift, is focused on the songwriters. "There's New York, then L.A, and then Nashville. About 80 per cent of the artistes depend on those songwriters for their material, for their hit songs. It's so important to this town to have great songwriters."

She snagged a record deal by doing a showcase, "just me and my guitar", for all the record labels at a legendary songwriter's place in Nashville called the Bluebird Cafe.

Afterwards, she was contacted by some major labels but she soon found out they weren't keen on her writing the whole record.

One guy, Scott Borchetta, told her he didn't have a record label then but she became one of his first artistes to be signed on.

Swift, who often plays a Swarovski crystal-encrusted guitar, says she writes her music late at night, and always keeps a pen and notepad by the bed. "I've done this before where I say, `Oh, I'll remember it tomorrow, I'm really comfortable and I don't wanna get out of bed!' But then I always forget it the next morning."

Swift says she looks up to the Dixie Chicks because they play their own instruments, and Shania Twain because she wasn't afraid to "run around on stage, break a sweat and get the crowd going crazy".

"I can listen to a CD as much as I like at home, but watching a performance is not really about hearing the song as much as it's about seeing how it can be interpreted live into a different light, and seeing how that artist can paint a new picture for me to think of when I hear that song."

Swift's unique performance style includes wearing lots of bracelets that she would later toss out to fans.

She says as a songwriter, her favourite is always the last one she wrote. The single, Love Story, is "kind of based on Romeo & Juliet" with a modern twist. "It's got a really cool ending, a happy ending rather than a sad ending. I'm really proud of it."

Swift loves all the travelling fame has brought her. "Travelling is one of my favourite things to do. I live on a tour bus now, it's crazy, and so that's really interesting." You can visit Swift's own Youtube channel to check out her online blog of her life on the bus.

Taylor Swift is almost the only young one today making waves on the Billboard charts. She is also becoming a brand in the US with her own line of Taylor Swift dolls and is the face of l.e.i. clothing brand, carried exclusively at Wal-Mart.

The blonde teen has made cameo appearances in the Hannah Montana film and the Jonas Brothers 3D concert offering. "My favourite show ever is Grey's Anatomy. I will never stop loving it, ever. If I was offered a guest spot on that, my life would be complete."

(c) 2009 New Straits Times. Provided by ProQuest LLC. All rights Reserved.

Lady GaGa’s debut album The Fame

This is stylish, ambitious and glamorous! 'Love Game', 'Paparazzi', 'I Like It Rough' and future single 'Poker Face' are every bit as effective as 'Just Dance' Some have said she owes Grace Jones, Gwen Stefani and Christina Aguilera a thank you note but so far she’s a resounding success. It is as glittery, bright and pretentious as its subject, but packing enough pop heat to guarantee Lady GaGa hit after hit!

Salma Hayek's world

It’s hard not to notice Salma Hayek’s bosoms. She is so very, very little, and though primly camouflaged this morning underneath her Gucci jacket and Balenciaga ruffle shirt, they do, as it were, precede her. On the other hand, given she is still breast-feeding (her daughter, Valentina, by the French businessman François-Henri Pinault, was born in September last year), perhaps that’s only to be expected. Wow. Breast-feeding for an entire year. I shouldn’t say this, but maybe that’s one of the reasons why she called off her wedding to the billionaire Pinault last July.

Conditions of the Human Eye

By: Sam McKenzy

Taking care of your eyes is very important because if you don't then once of the most important senses of the human body can be compromised. However having less than perfect vision is not always because of your eyes being damaged but is part of the growth process of the human body.

Before we begin we should probably clear up the misunderstandings and myths that have been implanted into our minds since children. You know when you were playing video games, watching the television on Saturday mornings, or from using your computer for hours at a time and your parents go in and start nagging at you? The most common argument they bring up is that it will ruin your eyes. That is a complete lie that they have been telling you since childhood and if you have children of your own, you should either stop or not tell them that.

Another myth is that reading books at night or watching the television at night can also ruin your eyes. This is also not true and has yet to be scientifically proven. However because of your eyes not getting enough light it may strain your eyes but in no way will it ruin your vision.
So what exactly is the reason for the less than 20/20 vision? Most likely is the shape of your eye. For people who have a natural 20/20 vision, their eyes are perfectly shaped like a ball. People who have less than perfect eyes are because their eyes aren't shaped round but more oval like.

Nearsightedness is what most teenagers have who need to wear contacts or glasses. Nearsightedness is when your eyes can not properly focus on objects that are far away which can be a big problem as it conflicts with some activities such as enjoying a movie at the theaters or even to everyday actions such as driving. What causes nearsightedness is when their eyes are a little longer than usual. Because of the extra length it causes the light to hit the retina indirectly that it blurs the person's vision.

The opposite of nearsightedness is farsightedness. And as it's opposite instead of the eye being longer it is shorter than normal. Because of this reduced distance the light coming into your eye doesn't hit the retina in your eye but instead hits behind it and therefore causes the blurring vision experienced by people with farsightedness. However many newborn children are born with nearsightedness and can't even recognize their parents visual features but with time most of them outgrow the condition.

Another vision condition is known as astigmatism and that is when your cornea isn't perfectly round. For people with this condition they can't see perfectly without the assistance of contacts or glasses.

Though glasses and contacts are a solution many people feel that it is inadequate and go under the table to correct their vision. Once a person has their eyes fully grown which is some time after they are 18 years old they can choose to have surgery on their eyes to make a much more permanent fix.

Source: http://www.articlesnatch.com

4 Crucial Things You Need To Do To Build your List

Online marketing may have developed a sudden surge these past few years, but many in the know how have felt its rise even from way then. As more Internet based businesses are put up, the need to develop new marketing skills and knowledge based on this new medium have arisen. More and more marketing strategies are being discovered and developed to cope with the changing face of business the business world.

The demand for online marketing tips and strategies have drastically grown and a new form of business has been born, Internet marketing strategies. While there are companies that are all too eager to help your site and business build a clientele for a fee, there also many ways that can spread the word about your sites subsistence in a more cost free way. One of this is Opt-in email marketing, also known as permission marketing.

Opt-in marketing requires the permission of a willing customer to subscribe to your marketing materials, materials that take form in newsletters, catalogs and promotional mailings via e-mail. The more opt-in marketing mail is sent, the more chances there is to bag sales and more sales. To do this, you must build a list of all those who wants to subscribe to your opt-in marketing list.

From your list, you will get your targeted customer, this is a good list since they already have shown interest in what you have to show and sell since they have willingly signed in for your list. These are the people who have liked what they have seen in your site and have decided they want to see more and maybe even purchase whatever product or service your company and site has to offer.

Many people would think that building their lists would take hard work and a lot of time to build and collect names and addresses. This is not so, it takes a bit of patience and some strategies but in doing this list, you open your site and your business to a whole new world of target market. Take the effort to take your business to a new level, if traffic increase and good profits are what you want, an opt-in list will do wonders for your business venture.

There are many sources and articles in the Internet available for everyone to read and follow in building a list. Sometimes they may be confusing because there are so many and there are different ways. Different groups of people would have different approaches in building an opt-in list, but no matter how diverse many methods are, there are always some crucial things to do to build your list. Here are four of them.

1) Put up a good web form in your site that immediately follows the end of your content.

While some may say this is too soon to subscribe for a website visitors application, try to remember that your homepage should provide a quick good impression. If somehow a website visitor finds something that he or she doesn’t like and turns them off, they may just forget about signing up.

A good web form for subscribing to an opt-in list is not hard to do. Just write a simple short statement about how they would like to see more and get updated about the site. Then there should be an area where they could put in their names and e-mail address. This web form will automatically save and send you the data’s inputted. As more people sign in, your list will be growing.

2) As mentioned in the first tip, make your homepage very, very impressive.

You need to have well written articles and descriptions of your site. Depending on what your site is all about, you need to capture your website visitor’s fancy. Make your site useful and very easy to use. Do not expect everyone to be tech savvy. Invest in having good programming in your site, make your graphics beautiful but don’t over do it.

Don’t waste your time making the homepage too overly large megabyte wise. Not all people have dedicated T1 connections, the faster your site gets loaded, the better. Go for a look that borders between simplicity and sophisticated knowledge.

3) Provide good service and products.

A return customer is more likely to bring in more business. Even then and now, a satisfied customer will recommend a business always. Word of mouth and recommendations alone can rake in more business than an expensive ad. As your clientele roster grows so shall your list. With more members on the list, the more people will get to know about what you have new to offer.

4) Keep a clean and private list.

Never lose the trust your customers have entrusted you. If you provide e-mails to others and they get spammed, many will probably unsubscribe to you. Remember, a good reputation will drive in more traffic and subscribers as well as strengthen the loyalty of your customers

Utilizing the Secrets Of Opt-in Mailing Lists

Emails are replacing regular mails from the post office. Not only because it is cheaper, since you do not need to buy a stamp, it’s also definitely faster. Emails can be sent in as fast as five seconds, depending on the server, anywhere in the world.

No doubt emails are being used to distribute newsletters, promotional mails, and other stuff. How then would you be able to round up email addresses to send those marketing mails you have? Here is where an opt-in list comes in.

An opt-in list is a directory of email address you can send to those mails to. Though it seems to be easy to find email addresses, if you are talking thousands in numbers, it is going to be hard. Besides, you have to determine the recipient of the email. You wouldn’t want your readers mostly male if you are selling lipsticks, right?

A good opt-in list should include the profile of the email address owner. Here are tips on how to create a comprehensive opt-in list for target market.

Create your website.

Creating a website is made simple nowadays. A lot of programs are milling about assisting regular computer users in making and maintaining websites in a real simple way. Some website creator just needs you to cut and paste, like that of a regular paint program. Several web hosting sites are available too. Some are even free. If you have a site of your own, you can ask visitors to register with you or sign your guest book as they leave.

Set up a promotion or a freebie.

Not all the best things in life are free, as they say. But you can definitely try to give something out for sure. You can see this done all over the web. Free screensavers, free games, free download of programs. And what do they need from you? They just ask for an email address, your name and a little something more about you. Then you can place a check box on the registration form for sending of email. For sure, you can think of something to give out as well.

Write and write some more.

There are some web magazines where in readers can submit their writings for a particular topic. If you had a chance to do so, add a link to your article providing information about what you are trying to promote. Some readers of your article may enjoy your work so much they’d like to contact you, so don’t forget to leave your email address too.

Pose an easy opt-out option.

People who like to join your opt-in list would, along the way may want to opt out of it somehow. People who are wary of joining may not join at all if they see that it would be near impossible to remove their email address from the listing. Show them that it is as easy to opt-out as it is opting in.

Check other’s strategy too.

It would be better if you can find a partner in generating an opt-in list. This way, you can split the expenses and both of you can share the list generated. It will be best to partner with a company that has a business similar to your own line. Both of you can profit more should that be the case.

Use offline ways too.

You can put up a small raffle preferably in a supermarket for a certain item they buy. You can place an email address opt-in part in the raffle entry to add to your list. This way, you’d also know the buying preferences of the participants if you mark the entries systemically.

Creating an opt-in list entails a lot of work and funds. You should outline how much you will spend in creating an opt-in list. People appearing at opt-in lists are sales prospects. They are those interested in a certain product that you may be selling. Obtaining an optimal opt-in list would boost your sales up so these tools are undoubtedly essential.

Acquire an opt-in list now or generate one. Either way, you are reaching to people that can be your one of your treasured customers for a long period time!

Building Your Business with an Opt-in Mailing List

Before revealing the secrets of the trades, here are myths and fallacies that need to be cleared before one indulges into building an opt-in list. These marketing misconceptions could pose so much of an obstacle towards your profiting well from your business.

Not a lot of people use email

Email marketing is one of the most effective marketing methods nowadays simply because virtually almost all people use email. Check on those email fields or blanks required to be filled up on various forms needed in processing different transactions. A person without an email address is tantamount to a person without an online home, which is one big shameful truth for this generation.

Email marketing campaigns can offend a lot of people

The not-so secret way to surmount this dilemma is through permission-based advertising. There's no harm in trying after asking for permission.

It's stupid to send email to all the people

The key to this predicament is to have a very discerning eye on who to email and who to not email. Better look for some metrics on how to know which group of people would give you high ROI or return on investment.

The Real Deal with Building Opt-in List

After clearing the fog regarding email marketing myths, here's how one can benefit from employing the power of email marketing campaigns - building an opt-in list.

However, building an opt-in list is not a piece of cake particularly for the uninitiated. Here is a roundown of tips on how to succeed in this kind of marketing endeavor.

1. Strategic Collection of Data

Know which information from your audiences will help you in lowering expenses and/or make sales flourish. Devise a tactic to make people voluntarily provide you with the information necessary to create higher conversion.

Overload of data is not good. Ask only for opt-in, with their full name and email addresses. Make sure that the profiles that you gather are updated to aid in improving the relevance, timeliness and satisfaction from each deal you make.

2. Good Implementation

Old adage says it all, “action speaks louder than words”. This easily translates to the difficulty one has to undergo during the execution of his or her email marketing efforts. It's a good thing that various methods, often low-cost, abound to hasten and facilitate the building up of one's opt-in database.

Tracking your email marketing results can pose great hardship, too. Technology and relevant sources should be employed in making this aspect of your marketing a lot manageable. Your high traffic groups of opt-ins with the greatest result should be taken noted of.

The following are the most widely used methods to leverage channels without overspending:

1. Make use of websites.

It is an excellent tool for data collation and providing you with relevant info regarding your email offers. Use forms that solicit your visitor's email address and consent.

2. Make use of print ads, brochures, TV, radio and direct mail.

These are the more popular ways of marketing aiming to lead traffic to one's site. You may want to ask for signups for email services. Make your website more visible through these media. Offering free electronic newsletters and or rewards program can do well in making it easy to win the nod of your audiences, too.

3. Maximize your sales force.

Customer service associates can help a lot in making you benefit more from your email correspondence. Sales people with proper education on how to aid you in this endeavor can very well contribute to higher ROI. Techniques like offering account updates and special programs through email can easily land you those lists of valuable visitors.

4. Don't make your point of sale pointless.

Forms for signup located at cash registers and other high-traffic and highly visible spots can be very excellent venues for your business to collect email addresses. Notification of upcoming sales through their email addresses and names can coax them to supply you with the information you need.

5. Conferences or trade shows can work, too.

Give Away event offers (prime example being http://www.awesomefungifts.com/) or entries on sweepstakes are great for opt-in to volunteer their contact details.

These tactics should be applied with adequate caution and should focus on earning the trust of your opt-in list instead of simply collating data for your sole own benefit. Always make sure that the forms that you will use and other methods that you will employ will not necessitate too much fuss to subscribe. This is for people to not be annoyed during the process of data supplication.

With that bunch of information, who can ever go wrong with the feat of building an opt-in list? J

What to Do Before Submitting To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills back.

With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is why article writing, submissions and publications are also getting popular.

There are already many tools that people can use to make the process of distributing their articles more easily. Though this is invaluable in getting the contents more exposure, which is only half of the story.

Let us take a look first at the common mistakes that some people make before submitting their contents to article directories:

1. Confusing the reason to promote the articles with the reason to write them.

In article writing, there are three key benefits why you are promoting them; branding, lead generation and promotion, which are all part of your optimization efforts.

But there is only one reason why you write an article, and that is to inform your audience. If the article is not focused on this primary and most important purpose, it will fail to achieve the three promotion benefits because no one will be interested in reading them.

You need to figure out first how to get people to read what is in your article, then make them click on your resource box. You can achieve this by producing better contents.

2. Failing to maximize the promotional opportunities of article marketing.

You may know already that your articles can help you generate additional links back to your site. But do you know that you can get more visitors and better search engine results from that same articles?

Mention keywords at strategic places. Just be sure not to overdo them. Some are even using anchor texts which is also an effective method. But it is important to know that majority of the directories are not able to support this.

Remember that is not only about the links back to your site. Part of doing well in your article marketing is getting picked up by publishers with a large number of audiences and gaining the ability of leveraging other brands because of the quality of your work. Better search engine results also are great benefits.

But these things do not put much money in your pocket. There are other factors that can turn your article marketing efforts into an opportunity that can boost your earnings. Not just increase the number of visitors to your site.

Start out with a plan and see to it that your article will serve the function that you intended it to have.

3. Publishing content that does not help your readers.

Maybe in the process of writing articles, you are thinking that all that is you wanted is links back to your site. And any visitors it can generate are fine.

Guess what? Not all article banks and directories are going to accept your content automatically. Oftentimes, they have some guidelines and specifications on the articles that they are accepting.

You can double the number of sites you can submit to by writing articles that the directories want to share with other people. All it takes is one publisher with a hundred thousand readers to increase your potential audience overnight.

Write the articles that publishers want in their publications if you want your article marketing to work the most effective way for you. This also means you have to obey the standard guidelines, spell checks, researching on a good topic and even hiring a writer to produce a good content on your behalf.

In the end, it is all really a matter of choice on your part. You can start getting a little exposure from increased links back but on a very basic level. Or enjoy massive exposure from a little extra time making quality contents.

It will be your choice. You may not be aware of the fact that an article submitted on directories is not meant to have the same level of exposure as highly-targeted content ones geared on a narrow group of people.

Learn the difference between these two and it will surely help you know what kinds of articles to write and to submit.

Recommended Resources

3 Steps to Profiting From Your Resell Right Business – how to profit from buying and reselling digital products in 3 absurdly simple but profound steps, NOT FOUND in most PAID products!

Edmund Loh’s Guide to Private Label Rights v3 – your essential guide to buying and selling Private Label products in the Internet marketplace. This is one of the earliest and often updated manuals on Private Label Rights in the Internet Marketing community!

19 Internet Business Models – eliminate guesswork and discover what makes the world go round for Internet Entrepreneurs and copy their success business systems for your own in a flash – low cost, high profit!

All-in-One E-Commerce Solutions

SOLOBIS – all-in-one solution comes with unlimited web hosting, domain name, unlimited auto responders, broadcast feature, custom web builder, file manager, link cloakers, JV manager, 500+ beautiful web templates, online support team, and many more. No HTML and programming knowledge required.

Recommended Payment Processors

2CheckOut.com – start accepting credit card payments from customers from several parts of the world!

To Create an Outline For All of Your Article

We’ve done it through junior high, it expanded longer through high school. Then on college it became chapters. No matter how many times a person have done it, writing articles has proven to be a task many has continuously avoided. Now at a time when writing articles could help your job or work, facing the job at hand can be still faced with unfriendly behavior.

While there are a great number of people who do not have the same attitude in article writing as others, there are still those who would rather walk in piping hot coals than do some article writing. What set other people apart from other towards article writing is that they are prepared and has some methods and procedures in writing articles.

One of the methods you can use to prepare yourself when tasked to write in article is creating an outline first. Creating an outline for all your articles makes you prepared. You have an idea of what to do first and make a plan for your succeeding steps. Being prepared makes the job easier and faster. Being organized will allow for disorientation to be shunned away.

An outline can act as the design or blueprint for your article. This will guide you in creating the introduction, body and conclusion of your article. Here in this point, you can write down some of the ideas and sentences that you feel will look good in your article. This could be some of the focal point that could help make your article creative, interesting and appealing to a reader.

A carefully planned and fully prepared project would guarantee and ensure a problem and worry free procedure that can virtually go without any hassles. Creating an outline for all your articles will get you ready and breeze through writing an article in no time at all. Here I will provide you with some tips and guidelines in how to create an outline for all of your articles.

Do a couple of brainstorming and jot down your brilliant ideas first. Think of some ways to attract the interest of your reader. Designate a time frame where you can write down all the ideas that you can use for your articles. By this time you should have done all your research and information searching. Review and reread your ideas and notes, gain mastery and sufficient familiarity with your topic so that writing them down later own would be easy for you.

The next step is to discover your sub topic and sub titles. As you would provide a first sentence for your article, one that would immediately grab the attention of your reader, you would need some as well for your sub topics. To be concise, you would need to get all the facts that will support and go against your point.

These are the frames or skeleton of your article, now its time to add the flesh and the meat of your article. You will need to connect all your paragraphs and sub topics. This will form the body of your Article. While the introduction will usher in the ideas of your paragraph, you will need a conclusion. The conclusion will wrap up your points and drive in what you are saying in your article.

The outline for your article would also require you to write a draft first. This may take more than one attempt but remember that it is called a draft for a reason. Your outline shall be perfected as each draft is written and this draft is meant for your eyes only so there’s no reason to feel ashamed. As you go on, you will clearly see the bigger picture and write an article that will perfectly suit what is demanded of it.

Reread and reread what you have written down. Always refer to your outline so that you wont drift away from what you had first written down. Its not hard to be caught in the moment and get lost in your writing frenzy. Your outline will help you keep in track. All those hours spent in outlining your article will not go to waste. This will serve as your guide in writing articles. Trust and rely on your outline because this will prove to be a very helpful tool in writing all of your articles.


“Your Purchase of this Book Entitles You to a FREE Lifetime Membership Privileged Access to ResellRightsMastery.com As a Gold Member… Worth $197.00!”

ear Valued Reader,

I would like to invite you to join my active membership site, ResellRightsMastery.com, as a privileged Gold member! Your Gold member benefits entitle you to:

  • Consistently adding collection of Resell Rights items you can sell and pocket all the sales,

  • Adding array of Private Label articles you can edit, put in your resource box, compile into Info products, and submit to article directories for exposure,

  • Advanced Reseller strategies issues on how to gain all the edges as a reseller,

  • And much, much more!

This membership access is valued at $197.00 but as a gesture of thanks for joining me in this short, fast but thrilling adventure through the pages of this book, this membership privilege is yours $197.00 FREE of CHARGE. Consider it a bonus, but you’ll want to be connected to the Internet right now to take advantage of this bonus!

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This is my way of saying thanks and I look forward to your joining in ResellRightsMastery.com! J

P.S. Once you’re inside the member’s area, you’ll discover all the possibilities of building your Internet Business on steroids.

As the book enters the wrap up in this chapter, I will share with you something valuable.

If you aim for success, you must do everything within your means to achieve that. You just don’t go on sitting there in your house complaining about not getting as much profit as you expect. You have to keep moving. You have to pour in and invest enough time, money and effort to have profitable results.

In doing Internet business, you must aim just the same. You should maximize all of your Internet marketing strategies, given the wide market that your business will be exposed to. Imagine the whole online community as potential clients!

Now, one of the best marketing tools that you can use in your online business is building a list (which is the subject of this book!).

An opt-in list is the best, most effective and smartest option that you can make to make it big. It is one thing to stay in business and it is another thing to have a profitable business. So if you will be allowed to choose, make use of the building list to ensure that profits will keep coming in.

And building a list will definitely work for your benefit. This will ensure that you can maintain close contact and a good relationship with your clients, especially the frequent visitors.

This will also save you money, time and effort because once you come up with a new product or new information, you know exactly who you will send updates to because you have a definite market.

This is one aspect that you will have to maintain to have a steady source of income at the least. Then the rest of your efforts will be to make the number of your regular clients grow.

Some pointers in building your opt-in list:

R You should put a ‘subscribe link’ or ‘subscribe box’ in your web site. It is advisable to put it on all the pages. Then make sure that it is strategically positioned, meaning it has to be easily located by the visitors. The upper right hand corner of the page would be a good position.

R Promote your website and promote it even more to make give it more exposure and to get more subscribers.

R Come up with contests or give away freebies and goodies that will require visitors to give out their email ads to be able to join.

R Give out information, articles and updates to your clients with your links in it. Make sure that the information will be relevant to the client.

R Offer free courses to your visitors. This will also help maintain a good relationship with your subscribers.

R Use your signature also to make your opt-in list expand. Every time you send out messages the link information should be included.

R Do some networking too. Join some forums or discussions and build relationships with the people there. This way will also be a good way for you to get more contacts and clients.

At the same time you should also know what you should avoid in building an opt-in list. There is one thing that you should keep in mind as the don't's of building a list.

Ñ NEVER EVER spam your subscribers. It is best that you get permission from your subscribers, or else you might end up with a bad reputation.

Ñ Avoid ABRASIVE pop-ups (though not all). They can sometimes annoy the visitors. There are also pop-up blockers now. Your effort here might end up futile.

Ñ You should also refrain from flooding your subscribers with information. You might end up as an annoyance that you might not get a favorable result. There may be times that you'll give relevant information, but your clients may just dismiss it.

The benefits of having many regular subscribers are undeniable. They will definitely keep your business going and you will definitely enjoy the profits that will come in. Just remember that things don’t end there.

Once you’ve build up on a substantial opt-in list, make sure that you maintain it well. Keep in contact with your subscribers. Send them updates. Give out special offers and helpful tips. Freebies will be helpful too.

Just follow this and you’ll see… things can only get better!

Recommended Resources

3 Steps to Profiting From Your Resell Right Business – how to profit from buying and reselling digital products in 3 absurdly simple but profound steps, NOT FOUND in most PAID products!

Edmund Loh’s Guide to Private Label Rights v3 – your essential guide to buying and selling Private Label products in the Internet marketplace. This is one of the earliest and often updated manuals on Private Label Rights in the Internet Marketing community!

19 Internet Business Models – eliminate guesswork and discover what makes the world go round for Internet Entrepreneurs and copy their success business systems for your own in a flash – low cost, high profit!

All-in-One E-Commerce Solutions

SOLOBIS – all-in-one solution comes with unlimited web hosting, domain name, unlimited auto responders, broadcast feature, custom web builder, file manager, link cloakers, JV manager, 500+ beautiful web templates, online support team, and many more. No HTML and programming knowledge required.

Recommended Payment Processors

2CheckOut.com – start accepting credit card payments from customers from several parts of the world!

“Your Purchase of this Book Entitles You to a FREE Lifetime Membership Privileged Access to ResellRightsMastery.com As a Gold Member… Worth $197.00!”

Salma Hayek Hairstyles

I mean, that long? How does one possibly get anything else done? “Yeah, well, let me tell you it’s toff,” agrees Hayek, in that throaty Mexican accent of hers. “You don’t know what pain I’m in after two hours, how difficult it was at first. And by the way, the myth that says you lose all this weight when you breast-feed? That is sooo not true. Look,” she protests, grabbing her tummy and then reaching for the plate of biscuits the waiter has set down on the table, “it’s like, ‘Please, everyone, can you stop telling me I look really well?’ ”

Salma Hayek Hairstyles

It’s about 11 o’clock in the morning, and Hayek, 42, in town to promote her new role as an ambassador for Unicef, has just returned from the studios of This Morning, where Eamonn Holmes — the plonker — misheard her when she said she was part Lebanese, and thought she said “lesbian”. Hayek wasn’t fazed at all. This is, after all, the woman who took off her clothes in that famous elevator scene in Ugly Betty; the woman whom the American chat-show host Jimmy Kimmel immortally serenaded with: “I’m very hairy, you are a mummy, your name is Salma, I like salami”; the woman whom the funniest human being in the entire universe, Tina Fey, called personally to appear on her cult comedy television series, 30 Rock.

Salma Hayek Hairstyles

What a shame, one can’t help thinking, she and her billionaire babydaddy (whom she met in Venice at his family’s Palazzo Grassi in 2006, and split with in July), couldn’t make it work. One can just imagine the $3.5m wedding in St Tropez he had planned to throw. The ring he would have given her. Oh my goodness, and the dress. But it was not to be. Despite the fact that they were recently spotted together in Paris in the front row of Balenciaga — and later having tea at the Plaza Athénée hotel with Valentina, a dead ringer for her daddy, playing happily at their feet — it’s supposedly all over. Would that Hayek would elucidate further on this, but she will not. She’s much happier, of course, talking about the real love of her life, who is sleeping in a room upstairs and is obviously soon due for a feed . . .

Salma Hayek Hairstyles

Seventeen years later, the 5ft 2in Hayek is a powerful force in the industry. Of all those Latina lovelies out there — Eva Mendes, Penelope Cruz, perhaps even Jennifer Lopez — she is the one who has the makings of a proper Hollywood mogul. She heads up her own production company, through which she is an executive producer of Ugly Betty, and has no fewer than four new TV shows on the boil (one of them, piquantly, a reality TV show about weddings). She has also set up another production company, Ventanazul, with MGM, to try to get more Latino films made for the growing Hispanic market.

Salma Hayek Has No Time To Bend It Like Beckham

The film star has been too busy to collect on a private lesson she won at an auction last winter. In the meantime, though, it seems she has become a fan of US international Carlos Bocanegra.

Salma Hayek Hairstyles

Hollywood star Salma Hayek probably has her soccer cleats sitting by the door ready to be slipped on before she heads out to the field. But she hasn’t gotten the call from her coach yet.

Her coach? Los Angeles Galaxy star David Beckham.

Salma Hayek Hairstyles

Last February, the star of Frida and Desperado, among other films, forked over $350,000 at a charity auction for a one-hour soccer lesson with Beckham. So far, Hayek has yet to collect on her winning bid because of the pair’s busy schedules.

"As yet, we haven't been able to sort out a date that suits all parties," a Beckham spokesman told the press.

Salma Hayek Hairstyles

Hayek won her prize at an auction in New York City for the Raising Malawi nonprofit, co-founded by Madonna. Hayek reportedly outbid Vogue editrix Anna Wintour for the coveted private tutorial with Becks.

Hayek has not revealed what specific part of her game was she hoping to improve when she finally receives her lesson. Her 14-month-old daughter, Valentina Paloma, is probably too young to be heading the ball.
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