Anna Paquin Hairstyles

Anna Paquin X-Men was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, on July 24, 1982. Both of Anna's parents are educators; her Canadian father, Brian, is a phys-ed teacher, while her New Zealand-born mother, Mary, teaches English. Anna Paquin has two older siblings: brother Andrew, born in 1977, and sister Katya, born in 1980.

When Anna Paquin X-Men was 4 years old, the Paquin X-Men moved to New Zealand, although they still returned regularly to visit the Canadian side of the family.

Anna Paquin X-Men has a twinkle in her eye few would understand. In an industry where most young starlets get typecast as no brain, helpless females, Anna Paquin X-Men refuses to settle for the industry standard. Her hugely successful career has garnered her more accolades than most of the better-known seasoned actresses in Hollywood. At 23-years-old, Anna Paquin has starred in over 20 films and she's not done yet. As if her life wasn't already annoyingly perfect, Anna Paquin X-Men shows us she's a force to be reckoned with as she packs a brand new punch in the blockbuster film X-Men: The Last Stand

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