Joanna Jojo Wins At The BMAs!
Jojo's plea to fans to vote for her at the BMAs on her MySpace worked!
Jojo picked up the National Female Vocalist of the Year award at The Boston Music Awards 2007 on December 1st!
Huge congratulations to Jojo, she deserved it!
JoJo Pics Update!
Head to the gallery cos we've added pics of 3 more events where she's looking absolutely fab! Go check them out...Callout to fans from Jojo Jojo, on her myspace, has encouraged all her fans to vote for her at the Boston Music Awards 2007. She is nominated in the category of National Female Vocalist of the Year, and I'm sure all of you out there would want to help her win. So keep voting for Jojo.
Upcoming Concert Good news for all you fans of JoJo out in Brazil! She has a new concert there coming up, on November 18th, 2007 at 9:00 pm. The concert will be at Mineirao Stadium in Belo Horizonte. If you live near there, be sure to purchase your tickets soon, and show JoJo some love!
Award Time
According to JoJo's newest myspace blog, she is up for an award. She's a nominee for the Boston Music Award's Female Vocalist of the Year. You can vote for her at Voting is closed on November 16th, and the awards will be on December 1st, 2007. She also hopes the Red Sox win the World Series!
On The Set
JoJo is having fun on the set of her upcoming Lifetime Movie, "True Confessions of a Hollywood Starlet". Behind the scenes, we found out that the small details really matter to everyone making this such a high profile motion picture movie.
"It's been a demanding work schedule, it its so much fun!" JoJo said. Everyone there was so kind and let me ask them questions. JoJo seemed to really like making a movie.
We just added a scan of a great Jojo pic on Seventeen magazine Argentina edition promoting excersice, go check it out..
JoJo: 'I Won't Break Down Like Britney'
Pop singer JoJo claims that she won't collapse, unlike pop rival Britney Spears. The 16-year-old singer is positive she won't follow in the footsteps of other child stars who find themselves in rehab, because of caring families.