Beyoncé is in amazing shape right now

The recent success of sophisticated comic-book adaptations is the main reason for Beyoncé's interest, she said, but her focus on Wonder Woman was intensified earlier this year when she saw Lynda Carter's costume from the 1970s television show on display at the Costume Institute’s “Superhero” show at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Beyoncé is in amazing shape right now (she had gained more than 20 pounds for the James role and came back from that leaner than before), but she said the Wonder Woman costume is an unforgiving one.

"I would definitely have to keep it right for that costume. The way that Lynda Carter wore it, she was sooo fine. She was amazing. I saw her costume at the Met. Her waist was unbelievable. It was pretty crazy, actually, her proportions. But I love Wonder Woman and it'd be a dream come true to be that character. It sure would be handy to have that lasso. To make everybody tell the truth? I need that. It would come in very handy."

The 27-year-old Houston native also recently finished work on the Scott Shill thriller "Obsessed" and, in her role as a woman whose husband is being stalked, she got her first experience with a staging a brawl for the camera.

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