Aquamarine Power

Aquamarine Power will provide a range of support services to identify optimal sites, deliver feasibility studies and secure necessary planning and consents for marine energy projects.

Oyster® modules are designed for deployment around 10m depth, in areas where the average incident wave climate is greater than 15kW/m. Neptune is designed for deployment in deeper water of around 32m depth.

Aquamarine's site selection assessments take into account a full range of selection criteria, with technical, socio-economic, environmental and social impacts at the forefront:

  • Wave resource and geotechnical conditions
  • Technical feasibility
  • Ecological considerations
  • Viable grid connections
  • Existing marine stakeholders’ needs
  • Local community views

Surveys will identify optimal sites allowing prospective developers to assess the company’s technology based on projected performance and revenue at specific locations. This work will also take full account of all the shared uses of our coastal waters.

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