Brangelina baby sets off fashion fever

Denver: Hollywood actors Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's baby girl, Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt, has made what may be her first fashion statement.

The baby appeared on the cover of People Magazine in a $42 T-shirt sold by a Denver boutique, triggering a literal tidal wave of orders.

Belly, a shop in Denver's Tony Cherry Creek district, had sent Jolie one of the T-shirts and some maternity clothes in January.

However, it wasn't immediately clear whether the T-shirt in the cover photo was the one sent by Belly.

"Everyone's claiming that they are responsible for sending them the 'gift package' because they want publicity," the T-shirt's designer, Kingsley Aarons, told newspaper USA Today.

"Obviously, if she wore something of ours, that would be awesome," Belly employee, Janci Clawson told the Rocky Mountain News in Tuesday's editions.

"But it was more of a 'thank you' to Angelina for doing so much for women and children around the world," she added.

Belly co-owner Janci Frisby said she has also sent clothes to actresses including Gwyneth Paltrow and Jennifer Garner and singer Gwen Stefani but got no response.

The shirt worn by Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt says "The Pots & Pans Band" in Gothic letters and features a skull and crossbones, an eagle and some pots and pans.

After People hit news stands last week, Belly was deluged with telephone and Internet orders for the shirt, and quickly sold out.
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