Rihanna Kisses Chris Brown

Rihanna News - Contactmusic.com, UK - 20 hours ago
Caption: Rihanna performs at the Island Def Jam & Escada Moon Sparkle's 'A Girls To Launch Underwear Line?The Elements, CA - 3 hours ago
Rihanna Kisses Chris Brown
Rihanna News - Singersroom News, NY - 19 hours ago
This is kinda late but I thought I would add a little fire to chris and Rihanna?s ?Just Friends? relationship. That kiss from Rihanna definitely doesn?t ...
Rihanna News - Media Take Out, NY - May 18, 2008
Rihanna may be on the verge of becoming a Victoria's Secret model - or at least that's what Rihanna's people are telling us. It all started
last week when . May 18, 2008
Rihanna Overtakes Leona Lewis On Hot 100
Rihanna News - Billboard, NY - May 15, 2008
As tipped here yesterday, Rihanna's "Take a Bow" makes a near-record-breaking jump on the Hot 100 this week to overtake Leona Lewis' four-week No. ...
Rihanna says she and Chris Brown are ?very good friends?
Rihanna News - Showbiz Spy, UK - May 17, 2008
Rihanna usually stays mum about her relationship with Chris Brown, but during a recent interview, the singer hinted that the pair are ?very good friends? ...Singersroom News, NY - May 17, 2008
Rihanna and Chris Brown Offered..
Rihanna News - whudat.com, NY - May 16, 2008
Rihanna and Chris Brown are discovering this. After being candidly photographed in KFC last week and the flood of blog posts and TV celeb chatter, ...Rihanna's friendly datesMonsters and Critics.com - May 15, 2008

Rihanna Latest Hairstyles

Emma Watson InStyle Photoshoot

Emma Watson recently did a photoshoot with InStyle Magazine (UK). There is also a video with behind the scenes footage of the photoshoot. The shoot is featured in the current issue of InStyle Magazine in the UK.

Will Skin Care Products Really Slow Down the Aging Process?

By: Gloria Mactaggart

As we get older we naturally become concerned about the changes our bodies are going through and many of us seek to slow or reverse these changes. One of the major places those changes are evident is our skin. It becomes dry, thin, a little brittle and a little wrinkled. Smile lines and frown lines that used to be there only when we smiled or frowned seem to be there somewhat permanently. Can skin care products help us age a little more gracefully and not quite so rapidly?

Unfortunately, depending on skin care products alone will not get the results we’re hoping for. Neither will cosmetic surgery, unless you want to spend half your life and all your retirement money either at the surgeon’s office, in the hospital, or recovering from the bruising and battering from our last bout with the surgeon’s knife. Cosmetic surgery doesn’t last forever.

However, there are diet and lifestyle changes you can make that may help.

Diet: The food we eat contains the nutrients our bodies need to stay healthy. Generally speaking, a healthy body lasts longer and ages slower than one plagued with illness, disease, or even long-term deprivation of the nutrients we need, which is, unfortunately, the condition many of us living in developed countries face. Years of processed, packaged and chemical-laden foods grown on depleted soil eventually take their toll. We lose our energy, start picking up whatever little bug is going around, and we start looking old. Our once clear, evenly-colored smooth and supple skin that seemed to just do fine on it’s own is now begging for nourishment. Does it get it? In most cases, the answer is no. Instead, we opt for skin care products that promise to handle the problem from the outside in. It’s never too late to change your eating habits to healthy, natural, organic food.

Exercise: Another big problem for most of us. I think the world was intentionally designed to get us off our butt. But all that has changed. Exercise is number two: Get that blood circulating. Get those muscles working, you can even try facial exercises to firm the skin instead of using skin care products. Use it, or lose it.

Chemicals and pollutants: the scourge of industrialization. We breathe them, ingest them, clean our floors, dishes and bathrooms with them, and even slather them on our skin. We can’t do much about breathing them, it’s going to take government controls to do that, but we can use natural cleaning and skin care products in our home and on our bodies. We can also use a shielding lotion. A good shielding lotion bonds with the outer layer of skin to form a protective layer that locks out chemicals.

Sleep: I’ve heard it said that we need less sleep as we get older. Although it’s true many older people sleep less, I haven’t seen any scientific proof that older bodies need less sleep. The body rejuvenates while sleeping, how could older bodies possibly need less rejuvenation. Get your eight hours in; you’ll look and feel younger.

If you want to look and feel younger, and slow the aging process, making these changes will help immensely. In fact, if you start early enough you might even find you’re one of those vibrant 50 or 60-somethings that no one would ever guess has already been around for five or six decades. Your best anti-aging medicine a healthy, natural, active life, not a medicine cabinet full of expensive anti-aging skin care lotions, potions and creams, but don’t forget the shielding lotion, that’s one skin care product you don’t want to go without.

Author, Gloria MacTaggart, is an expert author on skin care solutions and contributes articles on skin care for 21st Century Formulations. For more information, please visit http://www.SkinMDNatural.com.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

timeline of emma watson

Emma Watson narrowly avoids giving the paps an upskirt as she leaves a club in London.
She sure is turning into quite the little hottie.

Emma turns 18 on April 15. I can’t wait to see who she ends up banging once she’s legal.

Aquamarine - Safety at Sea

Author: Nigel Makin

The Aquamarine Gemstone is a variety of the mineral Beryl and is a beautiful pastel blue in colour. Aquamarine is the Birthstone for the month of March and is mined in Brazil, Madagascar, Mozambique Myanmar and Afghanistan; it is also available within the United States of America and is the official state Gemstone of Colorado. The Gemstone gets it's blue, sea green colouring from impurities of iron, and the host rock is pegmatite and coarse grained granite and their weathered material.

In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, sea green was the preferred colour but now darker blues are much more desirable and command a higher price. Aquamarine is dichroic, which means the intensity of the colour changes depending on the angle it is viewed from, so the Gemstone is usually cut according to the best colour angle and not the biggest size.
To intensify the gems blue colouring it is usually cut in either the step or Emerald cuts.
Aquamarine also has a much better clarity than the Emerald, it has fewer inclusions and cracks meaning there is less internal stress on the stone, meaning it is a lot less brittle than it's green cousin. Because the jewel has less flaws than the more expensive Emerald, it is much easier to find clean stones at larger sizes.

The largest Aquamarine ever found of Gemstone quality was unearthed in Marambaya, Minas Gerais in Brazil nearly 100 years ago in 1910. The stone weighed 110.5 kg, was 48.5cm long and 42cm in diameter, it was cut into many stones and boasted a total weight of over 100,000 carats. Paler and inferior stones are usually heat treated to increase the gems to a more desirable blue, cloudy and nearly opaque gems do exist and these are usually cut into beads and cabochons, where they can on occasions produce a cat's eye effect.

Legends say that the Aquamarine Gemstone is the treasure of mermaids and that it has the power to keep sailors safe at sea. The stone was used in the creation of amulets that were worn by ancient sailors to render them fearless and protect them from the wrath of the oceans, these amulets were deemed to possess even greater power if they were engraved with the Poseidon chariot. Aquamarine is also believed to be a strong talisman if it is immersed in water. The blue Beryl Gemstone is also believed to promote friendship and harmony as well as blessing the wearer with courage and happiness, it is also the Gemstone for the sixteenth and nineteenth wedding anniversaries as it creates a strong bond between couples.
Aquamarine also helps in understanding difficult situations from a love filled viewpoint, is also the universal symbol of youth, hope and health which just increases the stones popularity even more.

Aquamarine looks at it's beautiful best when the stones are able to show their clarity with a generous light source and good quality stones should be free of any inclusions.
Aquamarine is quite hard at 7.5-8 on the Moh scale, making them absolutely ideal for use in Gemstone Jewelry. It is very easy to see why so many ladies love Aquamarine Jewelry, blue is a natural colour like the sea and the sky, it is also a feel good and happy colour, but the real stunning beauty of this Gemstone is that it looks good on anyone.

Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/

The Vivid Blue Gemstone

Author: Rajesh Kumar

Aquamarine is a transparent, light blue or sea green stone that is soft.

The vivid blue gemstone derives its name from the Latin term ‘Aqua’ meaning sea and ‘mare’ meaning water. The beautiful Aquamarine is the birthstone for the month of March and gemstone for 16th and 19th anniversary.

According to legends Aquamarine originated in the treasure chest of mermaids and since then has been associated with the ocean. In ancient times aquamarine were worn as amulets by Greek sailors to please the God. The belief associated with the stone was that it would safeguard the soldiers on a voyage against the rough seas. Some also believed that is a preventive against seasickness and also reduces the effect of poison. Aquamarine was also thought to have a soothing effect on new marriages and helped the couple to become compatible. Aquamarine is deemed to bring joy and wealth to its wearer.

Aquamarine is primarily mined in Brazil, Nigeria and Zambia. The largest and most highly valued aquamarine was mined in Brazil in the 20th century and weighed 243 pounds. Another noted aquamarine is 879.5 carats, sea green in color, is displayed in British Museum of Natural History. Aquamarine is also mined in areas of Africa, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Russia. In United States this gemstone is found in Colorado and it is the official gemstone of the state.

The chemical composition of Aquamarine is (Be3Al2 (Si6O18)) and it belongs to the beryl family of minerals. It has a specific gravity of 2.68 to 2.74 and a Mohs hardness of 7.5 to 8. Aquamarine ranges from shades of blue, from pale to pastel, greenish blue to deep blue. The most precious aquamarines are those displaying deep blue color with no green tints. These are rare and therefore more valuable.

Aquamarine is almost free from inclusions and often has good clarity. This is the reason why aquamarines are frequently cut with large step facets to display their flawlessness. The blue colored, inclusion free gemstone is less susceptible to cracks and nicks like the other gemstones. It’s clear and pale brilliance makes it a perfect gemstone for jewelry and it combines well with most of the jewelry metals.

Aquamarine is always heat- treated to remove inclusions, which is a well accepted practice in jewelry industry. High temperature is used to remove the iron impurities from the gemstone, making it appear clean and pure blue in color.

To keep the gemstone clean and brilliant you need to clean it with warm soapy water. Avoid using chemical cleaners, detergents and a lot of exposure to sunlight.

Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/

Skin Care Anti-Aging Treatments

By: Daniel Andrade

It is not surprising that one of the largest markets in the world of health and beauty is anti-aging skin care products; reducing the visible signs of aging is the goal for many people as they grow older, and why shouldn't it be? Skin is important so a great deal of effort goes into the preparation of beauty products especially those that increase the production of collagen, which is the primary protein in skin; collagen makes up approximately 25 percent of the total protein in the skin. This area of anti-aging treatments is connected to another group of products that help people to look young; known as antioxidants, they are the body's method of slowing down the aging process.

Probably the best known of these anti-oxidants is vitamin C although no-one really knows just how much we should have each day. Vitamin C formulated skin care treatments suffer with a particular problem of oxidizing on contact with the air which causes a problem for users and manufacturers.

More stable skin care treatments are now available that are almost as efficient and actually cost less to manufacture. However, these anti-aging skin care treatments are not as effective vitamin C based products, although vitamin E and lipoic acid are also anti-oxidants and have similar effects.

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant and is found in human blood; one particular disease it may help to prevent is certain types of cancer. Another of these is lipoic acid which is found in every cell of our body to help generate energy for us to live; an additional function is to repair skin damage caused by the normal aging process.

Phytochemicals form the other category of anti-aging skin care products which are special chemicals that are extracted from plants with a variety of that are used in skin care today. A secondary but more important use of phyto-chemicals is the effect they have on the prevention of some strains of cancer; for instance:

1. Prostate Cancer in Men
2. Breast Cancer in Women
3. Colon Cancer

These are all on the increase around the world.

It has also been discovered that there are anti-aging benefits to vitamins B5, B6 and B12. This is a vast area that has the potential for many new anti-aging skin care products and services in the future but research needs to continue. There is no doubt that what has been learned so far is only a small part of the jigsaw puzzle; more long term effective methods will eventually be found to reverse or slow down the effects of aging.

There may be many challenges still to overcome but in time scientists believe they will succeed in producing more effective anti-aging skin care products that are less expensive and available to more people. Scientific research into anti-aging products is still in the early stages but they should never be relied upon; it is doubtful if science can replace natural skin care remedies. Regular sleep patterns, exercise, a good healthy diet and less stress will all contribute to reducing the signs of aging, for instance!

Daniel Andrade recommends you to checkout HGH for anti-aging. You can also read about some HGH product reviews here. Read more about anti-aging.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

New video of Emma Watson

Treasure Hunting for Aquamarine

Author: David Cowley

Not every buried treasure has been discovered. There still is a remarkable quantity of quality treasures still in Mother Earth, including the semi-precious stones to be found at Gem Mountain in North Carolina. One of the biggest draws to Gem Mountain is aquamarine treasure hunting. You find it – you keep it. It's as fun and as simple as that.

Aquamarine Cut

Aquamarine is a transparent gemstone variety of beryl. It is closely related to the emerald and the most common color is a delicate blue or turquoise that will remind you of the sea. Other colors can vary from yellow to rosey pink. The more intense the color the more valuable it is and can fetch from $120 to $500 a carat.

Rock hounding

One of the more popular of hobbies for Americans and Europeans is called rock hounding, or treasure hunting. You can hunt for any kind of treasure from gold coins, artifacts or semi-precious stones. Although metal detectors are used in other aspects of treasure hunting, they won't be of much help with aquamarine treasure hunting. You need small pneumatic drills, picks, shovels and brushes … and a good pair of eyes.

Not only does aquamarine treasure hunting combine the thrill of the hunt with a practical skill, you get to meet lots of other people and often get to go traveling in beautiful outdoor locations. Gem Mountain, for example, is located in the outdoors of beautiful Mitchell County, North Carolina. Admission is free and all tools are provided.

Rough Aquamarine

Myth And March

If you were born in March, then you will have a special reason to go aquamarine treasure hunting, because it is your birthstone. It is also the stone to give as presents on your 16 Th and 19 Th wedding anniversaries. Legend has it that wearing or keeping an aquamarine on your person not only kept you safe at sea, but kept you from seasickness.

Over the years, aquamarines are said to give whoever wears them courage, happiness and the ability to see into the future. It is also supposed to make your smarter and to make you more appear more youthful. During the Middle Ages, it was thought to be an effective antidote against poisons, which is not currently recommended. However, the pale blues are often very calming and have been used to help anxiety.

According to ancient Indian and Tibetan healing systems, the body has seven centers of energy called charkas. The throat charka is said to be a blue color, and so blue or blue-sh stones like aquamarine are said to help the wearer not only with throat problems, but in help being able to communicate what they really feel.

Bushy Creak Mine

Whatever your reason for aquamarine treasure hunting, you are sure to have a fun time at North Carolina's Gem Mountain. Tools needed to hunt in the mine query are provided by the mine operators if available. Should you want to bring your own tools be sure to include a shovel, shifting screen, safety goggles, gloves pick, rock hammer and something to carry your treasures in. They will also inspect all of your gem stones you unearth at no extra charge. Gem cutters are on hand to cut and polish your gemstones. If you are unable to get to North Carolina then you can mining buckets ranging from $15 to $120.

Happy Treasure Hunting.

Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/

Anti:Aging: Energy and Circulation

By: Rod Mac Taggart

According to Victoria Mogilner, a doctor of Chinese Medicine, certified acupuncturist, and author of Ancient Secrets of Facial Rejuvenation (New World Library), facial acupuncture's anti-aging benefits result from clearing blocked meridians, which are energetic pathways in the body. "Something like stress ages you ten times faster because it blocks these meridians," Mogilner explains. "But by opening meridians, you create a younger, healthier-looking face naturally."

Applying makeup, washing the face, or massaging the face can all stimulate these energetic pathways, but facial acupuncture is a more refined method of opening meridians, drawing upon health-promoting practices that have been proven over thousands of years.

"The cosmetic acupuncture system works on preserving youth from both the inside and the outside," explains Martha Lucas, Ph.D., a licensed acupuncturist in Denver and expert commentator for the anti-aging website www.realself.com. "The procedure brings more qi [life force] and blood to the face, thereby improving skin tone, circulation, and the health of the facial muscles."

The acupuncture facelift also acts as a call-to-action, encouraging the body to focus its healing forces on the face. "From a modern medicine perspective, the needling causes micro traumas in the skin," continues Lucas. "The body responds by sending fibroblasts of collagen and elastin to those sites to heal them … this can improve the elasticity of the skin, and 'lift' the face."

This natural route to a firmer, more youthful face is not instantaneous. Typically, acupuncture facial rejuvenation lifts the face gradually, over the course of several sessions. But it ultimately yields results that range from subtle rejuvenation to dramatic enhancement. "You can generally expect more even skin tone and more supple skin, minimization of fine lines, reduction of deeper lines, improvement in the jaw line, tightening of the skin," says Lucas. "There can be some eyelid lifting, and I have seen reduction in the lines on the neck and décolletage as well."

Facial rejuvenation with acupuncture is an effective preventive anti-aging treatment as well. By the time women hit their 30s, their collagen, elastin, and oil production have already declined and wrinkling will be the result -- unless preventive action is taken. It’s never too early to focus on facial rejuvenation. With facial acupuncture, those showing signs of aging and wrinkles can both slow the aging process and reverse some of the signs of aging.

Author, Rod MacTaggart, contributes articles on anti-aging and health for Feel Good For Life. More information on these and other topics can be found at http://www.feelgoodforlife.com.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

Emma Watson telling the audience what type of guy she chose!!

Treasure Hunting For Aquamarine

By David Cowley

Not every buried treasure has been discovered. There still is a remarkable quantity of quality treasures still in Mother Earth, including the semi-precious stones to be found at Gem Mountain in North Carolina. One of the biggest draws to Gem Mountain is aquamarine treasure hunting. You find it - you keep it. It's as fun and as simple as that.

Aquamarine is a transparent gemstone variety of beryl. It is closely related to the emeral and the most common color is a delicate blue or turquiose that will remind you of the sea. Other colors can vary from yellow to rosey pink. The more intense the color the more valuable it is and can fetch from $120 to $500 a carat.

Rock hounding

One of the more popular of hobbies for Americans and Europeans is called rock hounding, or treasure hunting. You can hunt for any kind of treasure from gold coins, artifacts or semi-precious stones. Although metal detectors are used in other aspects of treasure hunting, they won't be of much help with aquamarine treasure hunting. You need small pneumatic drills, picks, shovels and brushes ... and a good pair of eyes.

Not only does aquamarine treasure hunting combine the thrill of the hunt with a practical skill, you get to meet lots of other people and often get to go traveling in beautiful outdoor locations. Gem Mountain, for example, is located in the outdoors of beautiful Mitchell County, North Carolina. Admission is free and all tools are provided.

Myth And March

If you were born in March, then you will have a special reason to go aquamarine treasure hunting, because it is your birthstone. It is also the stone to give as presents on your 16 Th and 19 Th wedding anniversaries. Legend has it that wearing or keeping an aquamarine on your person not only kept you safe at sea, but kept you from seasickness.

Over the years, aquamarines are said to give whoever wears them courage, happiness and the ability to see into the future. It is also supposed to make your smarter and to make you more appear more youthful. During the Middle Ages, it was thought to be an effective antidote against poisons, which is not currently recommended. However, the pale blues are often very calming and have been used to help anxiety.

According to ancient Indian and Tibetan healing systems, the body has seven centers of energy called charkas. The throat charka is said to be a blue color, and so blue or blue-ish stones like aquamarine are said to help the wearer not only with throat problems, but in help being able to communicate what they really feel.

Bushy Creak Mine

Whatever your reason for aquamarine treasure hunting, you are sure to have a fun time at North Carolina's Gem Mountain. Tools needed to hunt in the mine query are provided by the mine operators if available. Should you want to bring your own tools be sure to include a shovel, shifting screen, safety goggles, gloves pick, rock hammer and something to carry your treasures in. They will also inspect all of your gem stones you unearth at no extra charge. Gem cutters are on hand to cut and polish your gemstones. If you are unable to get to North Carolina then you can mining buckets ranging from $15 to $120.

Happy Treasure Hunting.

Powerful Anti-Aging Role Models: More are Needed

by: Barbara Morris, R.Ph.

Recently on "America's Got Talent" a 75 year old woman performed a song and dance routine. (This reference is not to the Rappin Granny who was outstanding.)

Before she began I mentally cheered her on with, "You go girl!" I was reminded of a CD an older woman sent to me that captured her singing performance at a local nightspot. She was fantastic. And why not. if Tony Bennett at 80 something can still sing, others can do it too.

As it turned out, the contestant did not have a million dollar talent. How I wish she had been sensational. Because we are living longer, healthier lives, we desperately need accomplished older role models to show us what's possible late in life.

I often mention Dr. Helen Harkenss, author of Don't Stop the Career Clock, who has inspired me more than I can say. (I can't reveal her age because I don't know it, she doesn't tell, and it doesn't matter anyway. It's her accomplishments that count, not her advanced age.)

Other role models of mine include 80 something David Oreck who still promotes his vacuum cleaners. Compare his sharp agile mind and youthful demeanor to that of many retirees his age whose brains and bodies have turned to mush.

Then there is 90 something Art Linkletter who writes books and does almost non-stop speaking gigs. When I was interviewed for his book, How to Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life, he and I disagreed about living in retirement communities, but we got beyond that. He has a flexible open mind and can see other points of view.

How about 90 plus Jack LaLanne, a testament to the benefit of lifelong super nutrition and exercise. He oozes energy. How can you watch his juicer infomercial and not want to buy two of them?

Recently, I watched a video that is truly awesome. I found it in "Celebrations" the official newsletter for Older Wiser Women™. It shows 80 something Yvonne Dowlen Ice skating, and doing it very well. When I tell people I ice skate, (not very well, but determination springs eternal!) a common response is, "Aren't you afraid of falling?" Well, yes and no. I am more afraid of stepping off a curb and turning my ankle, which I have done on more than one occasion.

Fear is sometimes a healthy thing. It makes us stop and think. If forces us to face reality. On the other hand, unreasonable fear keeps us from doing what we want to do and know we could do if we tried. And if only we weren't held back by a nagging inner voice that warns, "Be careful. You're too old to do that." We need role models like Yvonne Dowlen to help us overcome an age-based irrational fear of trying.

The video also makes clear that if you want a youthful flexible body in your older years, you have to start early to keep what you have. You can't wait until you are 65, suddenly realize that you've almost completely lost all youthful competence and decide to try to recapture what's lost. While some improvement is always possible, the longer you wait to reclaim what's gone, the more difficult it is. A sedentary body rebels at being forced to do what it really doesn't want to do anymore. There is nothing worse than realizing "It's too late." As entertainer Eubie Blake was known to say, "If I had known I would live this long I would have taken better care of myself."

Whatever age you are now is a good time to take better care of yourself. The younger you are when you start the easier it is. And it's truly helpful if you can find an inspiring role model to look to for encouragement.

Emma watson music video

Second Anti-Aging Secret: Minerals Without Fail

by: Luzia Braun

Minerals rank with protein as the most neglected, haphazardly obtained nutrients in our American diet. And more especially in the diets of persons past forty. One of the 'three starvations of later years,' spoken of frequently in nutritional reports, is mineral starvation. (The other two ''starvations' in older bodies are protein and vitamin B-complex.)Protein and minerals are so closely linked that to advise you to eat plenty of protein, without stressing the need for equal care in obtaining a full quota of minerals, would be to tell only half the Eat-and-Grow-Younger story. A report made this year to the National Academy of Sciences by a research team headed by Dr. Cannon emphasizes that the minerals potassium, phosphorus and magnesium are essential in the diet for proper use of all body-building protein foods. This research team discovered that omitting potassium from the diet could lead to eventual congestive heart failure. Dead tissue developed within the heart muscles six days after potassium was taken out of the diet. But when potassium was restored to the diet, the body muscles began to rebuild, and the dead tissues in the heart healed. In other words, with potassium again present, protein could resume its appointed task of repairing and replacing body cells. Protein and minerals are the chief actors in the nutritional drama, while vitamins play a secondary, although essential, role (vitamins, the front-page news of the past decade, are now recognized as being solely activators, that is, substances needed to set other substances into action). To neglect any of these three food elements is to wreck the nutritional drama. Yet to star vitamins over protein and minerals is an equally unsound practice. You can't repair your body cells with vitamins alone, nor can you expect vitamins to do the nutritional work of minerals.

Each of the three food elements-protein, minerals, vitamins has its own specific task in preparing your body for a long, youthful life. If I seem to emphasize protein and minerals more than I do vitamins, it's only because I feel certain the vitamin story is well enough known not to need detailed repetition in this book. On the other hand, I'm afraid the mineral story has been too often pushed into the background by 'sensational' vitamin news. Yet today, more than ever before, nutrition experts are turning to mineral therapy. The final report of the New York State Joint Legislative Committee on Nutrition for 1947 contains an article by Dr. C. Ward Crampton, noted authority on diseases of older persons, in which he .states: 'The foremost nutritional defects in the mature and aging are calcium, iron and protein.

Seventy-five per cent of the men of sixty suffer a lack of one or more. On the other hand, many suffer dietary excesses, notably carbohydrates and possibly cholesterol.'Dr. Crampton goes on to report that the American diet is more deficient in calcium than in any other food element. Our ordinary menu is calcium-poor. This calcium deficiency accumulates, becoming increasingly serious as the person grows older. Calcium is so important an ingredient of your blood that your bloodstream will attempt to maintain its calcium level, even though it has to rob other body parts of their vitally needed calcium. That is why, in many older persons, the bones, robbed of their calcium by the blood, become more fragile, resulting in easily fractured arms, legs and hips. It is also why calcium-starved heart muscles and brain cells often give up the struggle to maintain normal functioning in bodies that are comparatively young in years. Your nerves, your heart, your teeth, your brain cells, your blood-all need sufficient calcium to remain healthy, and to function as nature intended. Commenting that 'calcium poverty is one common cause of aging that can be corrected,' Dr. Crampton prescribes a grain of calcium lactate for each year of your age, taken in three doses three hours after each meal.

An inexpensive and convenient way to obtain added calcium in the diet is through the use of powdered skim milk. This dry milk provides needed calcium and protein, along with iron, copper, manganese, cobalt and other trace minerals-less the fats which are wisely limited during the later years. Even though you obtain ample calcium in your diet, quite unknowingly you may be allowing certain foods to rob your body of this vital mineral. Beet greens and spinach contain oxalic acid which deprives the body of its calcium; but you can eat turnip greens, kale and dandelion greens with full assurance that you are not upsetting the balance of this valuable mineral in your body. In fact, dandelion greens that springtime dish of your childhood-have high calcium and vegetable protein content which make them an excellent spring salad. Also, don't indulge in cocoa or rhubarb too freely, since both of them have a high oxalic acid content, and by frequent use of these two foods you run the risk of lowering your calcium reserves. It is Dr. Crampton’s belief that a deficiency of iron is nearly always present in the 'uncared-for person in the higher-age brackets.' He says that the typical person of sixty is anaemic, iron-poor and body-poor, unnecessarily so. And this condition is worse in those persons who are following some unwise diet because of 'dyspepsia' or 'indigestion.' Insufficient hydrochloric acid in the gastric secretions is a common cause of iron poverty in the older body.

Minerals that regulate everything in the human body from 'sight to sex' are lacking in a vast acreage of the croplands that spread across our country. Agricultural scientists are accumulating more and more evidence that a wide variety of human ills are caused by the poor nutrition furnished by foods grown in mineral-starved soils. Dr. K. Starr Chester, head of a staff of farm researchers, has announced that numerous studies show the soil in nearly every state lacks one or more trace elements-cobalt, copper, zinc, manganese, boron. All food grown on mineral-poor soil (and the soil on American farms is estimated to have lost from 50 per cent upwards of its mineral contents in the past fifty-five years) is dangerously inadequate in iron, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium and sulphur.

For this reason, I cannot say to you with confidence that such-and-such a vegetable or fruit will provide you with this, that or the other mineral. I can tell you that a certain food should provide certain minerals. But, strictly speaking, the only way I know of at the present time (until some of our high authorities and conservation experts wake up and make obligatory the preservation and restoration of minerals in the farm and garden soils of our nation) to give you foolproof advice on minerals is to recommend the use of a reliable mineral concentrate, provided you are in doubt about the mineral content of the foods available to you. The multiple-mineral concentrate is the best way to use a mineral supplement to the diet. In whatever way you choose to obtain your full daily quota of minerals, for the sake of the restored youthfulness and the long life you so ardently desire, don't neglect these vital food elements. They are minute-to-minute essentials to your health.

Anti Aging Digestion Enzymes Are Essential For Life

by: Jennifer Kays

Digestive enzymes are the most essential nutritional requirements that our bodies need to stay alive. Enzymes break down the nutrients that we eat and reduces them to a size and condition that make them able to be carried, absorbed and used by our bodies. Enzymes are necessary for breathing, swallowing, muscles movement, cell and tissue production, and energy conversion. Enzymes are responsible for metabolism, which is our cells directing each nutrient to combine and interact with other nutrients to crate other chemicals and compounds to build and repair our cells, bones, tissues and organs. Enzymes are responsible for constructing, synthesizing, delivering, distributing and eliminating the substances and chemicals our body requires to live. Without enzymes, metabolism does not happen.

Our very lives depend on enzymes and digestion. Many, health issues begin with lack of proper enzymes and digestion. Without the proper amount of digestion enzymes in our bodies, we are vulnerable to ill health conditions such as respiratory infection, colds, flu, high blood pressure, liver disease, indigestion, heartburn, diabetes, fibromyalgia, candida, migraines, PMS, hyperactivity, anxiety, lack of concentration, depression, weakened immune system, acid reflux, constipation, gas and many other health concerns. It was once thought that illness and aging depleted the amount of enzymes found in our body. We now know that illness and aging are caused by a depletion of enzymes in our body. Many researchers now know that the aging process and even death is a result of our enzyme levels being decreased to the point where the very living environment of our bodies can no longer be maintained.

We now know that we lose digestive enzymes through sweat and body waste. As we go age, the organs that are responsible for producing digestive enzymes are not able to efficiently produce the amount we need in the time we need them. We know that cooking and microwaves destroy the enzymes that our food contain when they are raw. Factors such as environmental pollution, overly processed and fast foods, genetically modified foods and other factors deplete the amount of enzymes that we need to live. These factors deplete our enzyme levels stresses our digestive system and our immune system, leave us feeling tired, depressed, without energy or interest, and, very possibly, shorten our lives.

Given these factors of aging, processed foods, and cooking, our bodies are not able to produce the enzymes that we need. Therefore it would be wise for us to supplement our diets with enzymes from outside sources such as plants. If we add an enzyme supplement from external sources to our diet when we eat a meal we will greatly increase the quality and longevity of our lives. Enzyme supplements increase the amount of nutrients we absorb from our diet and improves our overall nutrition, decreases or eliminates indigestion and acid reflux, reduces fatigue and increases our energy, strengthens our immune system and enhances the regeneration of our cells and tissues.

We can take advantage of enzyme supplements that are blends of enzymes that each have a specific function. Amylase changes complex sugars and carbohydrates into usable glycogen and dextrin. Bromelain breaks down proteins making them available for our bodies energy supply. Cellulase is an enzyme complex that breaks down cellulose into usable beta-glucose. Lactase converts lactose into galactose and glucose. Lipase is an enzyme that is vital for the absorption and digestion of nutrients in the intestines and catalyzes triglycerides into fatty acids. Pancreatin hydolyses fats, converts protein into protesoses and changes starches into dextrins and usable sugars. Papain from the papaya fruit converts proteins to form oligopeptides and amino acids and can digest dead tissue without affecting live tissue. Pepsin breaks down protein into peptides. Chymotrypsin works in our small intestine to hydrolyze the peptide bond of amino acids. Trypsin breaks down the peptide bond of the amino acids arginine and lysine and is important in protein digestion.

With our current concerns about health care for issues such as those caused by obesity, excess weight, high blood pressure, heart health, etc, it would be well for us to remember the extreme importance of nutrition and good digestion and metabolism and that a very significant number of illnesses and diseases start in the intestine and colon. Our realizing the vital importance of digestion enzymes and the role they have in maintaining our very lives as well as preventing some of the serious, sometimes life threatening, health issues we face and will greatly improve the quality and longevity of our lives.

Emma Watson -She will be loved

Anti-Aging Skin Care- Seven Steps To Reducing Wrinkles And Preventing Aging Saggy Skin

by: Ellen Agius

Are you wondering which are the best anti aging treatments and ways to rejuvenate your skin?.

What can be done about existing lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin? Traditionally the only solutions available have been painful and expensive cosmetic surgeries, toxin injections, and harsh chemical peels. Each of which has a long list of potentially dangerous side effects. Recent scientific breakthroughs have allowed for the development of more gentle cosmetic products that can reduce saggy skin as well as facial lines and wrinkles without the risks involved with other more traditional procedures.

Probably you are confused with all the different ingredients that we can find in anti aging skin care products, and with so many choices, we don't even know where to start.

Aging is related to accumulation of damage at the cellular level. Offenders include environment, free radicals, and chemicals. The best way to deal with aging skin is to ensure that you take a proactive approach to skin care and follow a few simple steps to help prevent the early onset of aging and keep your skin hydrated and moisturised.

STEP 1. Use A Preservative Free Paraben Free Skin Care System

The major key in reducing aging skin and restoring youthful lustre is to avoid preservatives in your skin care products. Preservatives, methylparaben in particular, have been shown to increase the damage to skin caused by UV light, thus increasing the aging of skin .

If you want to prevent aging of your skin you really need to be aware of what you are putting on your skin. While many companies claim their products are “all natural” and of the “finest quality,” a close look at the ingredients reveals they contain toxic synthetic preservatives, ‘suspected’ carcinogens, drying alcohols, and synthetic fragrances and dyes.

So make an educated decision to use products that contain absolutely no preservatives . A good book to refer to is “The Truth About Cosmetics…And Some Natural Alternatives” by Haru Naito.

Until recently, most skin care products around the world have contained preservatives that promote skin aging. However, new skin care technology has developed and there are now a few unique skin care ranges on the market that have eliminated preservatives with the goal to support the skin’s state of wellness and protect the skin from premature aging. (http://www.revolutionaryskincare.info ).

In fact a world’s first water-based skincare line has been recently released in Japan, Australia and the US which uses a revolutionary patented water filtration system where fungus and bacteria can not grow thus eliminating the need for any preservatives. You can receive a free report and skin care brochure at http://www.preservativefreeskincare.info

STEP 2. Keep Your Skin Clean

Cleanse your skin with a gentle exfoliating cleanser. Make sure you do not leave on make up or allow residue to build up on your skin. This will lead to increased stress on your skin and can cause pores to clog and become infected.

The key here is not to rub, scrape, or be overly abrasive in the process. You will require a gentle cleanser that contains a fine abrasive to get into your skin pores and remove bacteria and soil. New skin care technology uses a fine ground stone which has tiny holes, when you wash our face, the stone goes into the skin pores and removes bacteria and soil from the pores.

STEP 3. Keep Your Skin Properly Hydrated.

Hydrating aging skin and helping it to retain moisture are the keys to reducing and preventing wrinkles. Water provides hydration to our skin. So you require a skin care line that can provide water to your skin cells and plump them up like a grape rather than shrivelled up and dry like a saltanna. Look at the hydration rates of the skin care product you are using and the clinical proven results.

Also many skin care products use carriers to take the moisturising ingredients into the cells. You need to ensure that no carrier chemicals are used which can be absorbed into your circulation and can cause serious health issues. A new water-based skincare line hydrates the skin by 80% after only one use and uses the technology of glyconutrients (plant based nutrients) to carry the water to the skin cell and hold it in. This dramatically reduces wrinkles. Research also shows that glyconutrients in skin care products seal the skin keeping in the water and keeping harmful elements out, meaning skin cells will be regenerated and skin can return to be like a babies bottom.

So use a skin care line that hydrates and uses safe carrier nutrients to fight the visible signs of aging by reducing wrinkles around your eyes, mouth and forehead.

STEP 4. Nourish your skin with healthy ingredients

Nourishing the skin with the proper ingredients is also important.

Use skin care that delivers only healthy nutrients that can protect your skin from premature aging, stress and dryness. Many plants in the world have long been recognized for their therapeutic health benefits. Just make sure the ingredients are natural plant foods or certified organic ingredients. Today many scientific studies demonstrate the numerous benefits of using specific botanicals that provide nourishing properties that assist your body in renewing healthy moisture enhanced skin tissues. This is the foundation of a preservative free skincare product line.

STEP 5. Use A Wrinkle Cream That Is Proven To Work

Wrinkles and spots are normally too deep to be effected by skin care products, but not now with the recent advancement in skin care technology skin cells can be corrected from damage done and create new healthy skin cells.

An anti-wrinkle cream lessens the appearance of your wrinkles, depending on how often you use it, the type and amount of active ingredient in the wrinkle cream and the extent of the wrinkles you want to treat.

Do they work? Consider these points when judging the merits of using a wrinkle cream: Ensure the skin care system you use has been subjected to research and clinical trials to prove their benefit. You’ll likely need to use the wrinkle cream once or twice a day for many weeks before noticing improvements. Remembering that skin cells rejuvenate every 28 days.

STEP 6. Support your skin’s health and prevent premature aging with good quality supplements.


Oxidative stress is the principle cause of aging and premature death. By controlling free radicals, anti-oxidants influence how fast and how well we age. It is virtually impossible to get optimal amount of antioxidants from foods alone. So invest in a good quality antioxidant. After a lifetime of exposure to pollutants, we need antioxidant help. The best antioxidant on the market is provided by the Australian Bush Plum and studies at an Australian University provides the research to prove the effect of this antioxidant which is provided in a capsule food supplement.


Scientists can tell how old you are physiologically based on the amount of DHEA (primary hormone of the body) in your blood. Levels peak at age 25 years and then decline. Most researchers agree to retard aging DHEA levels must be maintained. In our modern diet our daily intake of hormone modulator is severely depleted. A Phyto Hormone supplement provides your body naturally with the building blocks to maintain and enhance normal hormone production. It will support efficient fat burning, help you look younger, feel younger and potentially live longer.


Science has now established that certain natural plant sugars are vital for maintaining good health. Glyconutrients play a vital role in disease prevention and immune system restoration. Supplementation with a blend of glyconutrients have been shown to improve the immune system and improve the antioxidant level inside cells. In addition research shows that glyconutrients help with reversing 8 of the biological signs of aging. A good reason to start supplementing your diet with these nutrients. There is only one manufacturer of the exclusive source of the complete blend of these nutrients.


Make sure you get a good blend of essential fatty acids in your diet.. Supplementation with essential fatty acids supports your skin to become softer and smoother. They are necessary to make cells membranes and for many of the important hormones and other chemical messengers that tell your body what to do.

In recent years, researchers have been able to determine the reason essential fats are so critical to the formation of soft, smooth skin texture and the management of certain skin conditions. Investigative studies have shown that the link between fabulous skin texture and intake of essential oils is explained by the effect essential fats have on the synthesis of prostaglandin hormones within epidermal cells.

So supplementation with a combination of these nutrients is required for you are wanting to reduce the signs of aging and support your skins health from inside as well as outside.


Make sure you get enough rest, so that your skin has time to repair itself.

We all know that aging skin can be problematic and sometimes even downright scary. By following the tips listed above and carefully selecting your skin care products, you'll be one step ahead in the battle against aging skin. We all get old but we don't have to look that way!

The bottom line is to know the science and ingredients behind the products you use, look at the clinical trials, ensure the company is ethical and practices good manufacturing practices and then stick to doing business with one that has a solid reputation for delivering results. There are countless products on the market but only a handful that are based on legitimate science. These are the ones to add to your daily skin care regiment.

The one thing you must do is be constant, without getting obsessed, with whatever you choose to rejuvenate your skin. A new era of skin care technology is a huge breakthrough in the battle against our aging skin.

So in summary your Skin Care wish list should include:

1. Preservative Free
2. Anti- Aging
3. Fragrance Free
4. Colorant Free
5. Allergy Tested
6. Suits All Skin Types
7. Non- Comedogenic (not clogging, won’t aggravate acne)
8. No Animal Testing
9. Opthamologist Tested
10. Visible Real Results

Too much in one skin care line. Do your research and you will find that there are limited skin care products that provide all these benefits. Go to http://www.preservativefreeskincare.info for a free report on anti aging and preservative free skin care.

Emma Watson-4

Do You Know These Anti-aging Treatment Options?

Author: Gary Toh

Everyone in the world wants to look young. Unfortunately, we cannot stop the aging process. Once you cross your 3's you will start to feel that there is no hope to be beautiful anymore. Or is it?

Actually, there are many ways in which you can feel younger and look more beautiful. You have to take care of yourself, both from the inside and the outside. Most men and women don't realize that there are many simple anti aging treatments that they can use in order to avoid or slow down aging .

There are 2 main types of anti aging:

1. Natural : This type of aging is hereditary and depends on the genes & hence it is quite difficult to prevent.
2. Un-natural : This is caused by the extrinsic factors like exposure to sun, over drinking, bad eating habits etc.

While comparing both the types of aging, you can come to a conclusion that you can prevent the second type of aging.

Here are some tips for the prevention of un-natural aging :

1) You should maintain a diet that is low in sugar and fat.
2) You need to consume lots of water, ie 5- 8 glasses of water daily.
3) You should exercise regularly. This will help you look younger.

In addition, you may consider the following anti-aging treatment products:-

1. Anti aging treatment (Creams) :

People whose skin is always exposed to the sun are at more risk since the sun's rays can cause wrinkles on the face. Thus, wrinkle creams have become one of the major anti aging treatment products today. Scores of anti aging wrinkle creams have entered the anti-aging market. But it doesn't mean that all these creams are good. The introduction of many "herbal and ayurvedic creams" has made it difficult for the women to decide on which product is right for them. So choose carefully.

2. Anti aging treatment :( Genetic Treatment)

The most dynamic aspect of the genetic research is to create genetic treatments for anti aging. Geneticists say that, human beings have 30,000 active genes. As we grow older, these genes become inactive which ultimately results in aging looks. With respect to the researchers, anti aging treatment with animals are likely to continue in next few years, before tests with human begin. Thus, this Anti aging treatment will be a boon for the coming generation.

3. Anti aging treatment (Copper peptide treatment):

One of the anti aging treatments that are booming today is the copper peptide treatment. Copper is normally found in trace quantities in our cells. When this is converted into copper peptide results in the skin regeneration . Since copper is an anti oxidant, it damages free radicals leaving a better skin.

4. Anti aging treatment through vitamin tablets:

We need anti aging vitamins to suppress the free radicals. They are the protective force against free radicals. Let us explore some important anti aging vitamins :-

i) Vitamin C - It lowers the blood pressure . It fights cold and flu. It is also a very good anti aging treatment agent.
ii) Vitamin E - It is a good supplement of anti oxidants. It helps to maintain healthy cells and acts as a good skin and hair repair agent.
iii)Vitamin A - It is a very good anti oxidant that neutralizes the free radicals in the body which causes tissue and cellular damage. It also has retinol which helps to keep the skin and eyes moist.

Apart from using vitamins as an anti aging treatment, it is always better to go with proper eating habits too.

5) HGH or human growth hormone is another product that you can opt for to fight aging. This is the latest in the field of anti aging treatment and its effects have been proven in many cases too. HGH supplements, for instance, can induce your body to produce more natural HGH, thus resulting in you looking and feeling years younger.

As you can see, there are many anti aging treatments and they all play a vital role in human life. Science is trying to find new remedies today and skin care treatment is on the frontiers of scientific research. Thus there is hope yet for you to look fabulously young again.

Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/

Emma Watson and Rupert Grint

Emma (beautiful soul)

The Truth About Anti Aging Hgh

Author: Raj Kumar

It is obvious that the anti aging market is expanding rapidly. It is the new beginning for many as the booming outbreak of Somatotropin or human growth hormone (HGH) has become very popular. The growing popularity for the human growth hormone to combat the natural aging processes proves that HGH brings back your youth. It simply reverses the hormone deficiency that comes with aging.

The truth about anti- aging human growth hormones is that it has proclaimed to be a modern miracle. Many middle- aged and older people seek the advice of professional healthcare providers to get a clear understanding of the anti- aging HGH. Theses people are adamant about slowing down the body's aging clock. Although there is an abundance of medical problems that can result from anti- aging treatment, people appear desperate to avoid the signs of natural aging. Ideally, anti- aging human growth hormones are clinically proven to be a form of medication and it is extremely dangerous with many possible side effects.

Instead of taking advantage of the natural anti- aging treatments such as vitamins and nutrients, people choose to use the anti- aging HGH which interrupts the body's internal mechanisms. For instance, the anti- aging HGH injections are the most commonly used anti- aging treatment. Research has documented the human growth hormone injections increases the lean muscle mass and decreases the body fat. Yet, the injections are extremely expensive and they are synthetic which makes for obvious side effects.

Administered through injections, the anti- aging hormone inhibits the patient's own production of human growth hormones. The side effects are real and the process is extremely dangerous. The side effects include muscle weakness, arthritis, high blood pressure and soft tissue swelling.

The middle- aged to older aged people desire increased life expectancies, therefore relying on the anti- aging human growth hormone products. They are basically using their own body's mechanisms to fight the systems of age. There are several anti- aging HGH treatment available, however you must know which works best with your lifestyle.

Unfortunately, the treatments are only accessible through prescription in the injection form.

The anti- aging hormone injections have proven to offer amazing benefits, but there is concern that they are cost- effective. A more recent form of anti- aging human growth hormone treatment is the SomaLife gHP. It is documented to be completely safe and very effective. This treatment actually triggers the body to produce its own human growth hormones, unlike former anti- aging HGH. Due to the expense and side effects of many of the anti- aging HGH treatments, such as injections, some people have turned to other types of anti- aging treatments. Medical studies, however have denounced the effectiveness of other treatments as they did not prove to provide the ultimate results as the injections.

The truth about anti- aging HGH is that it is has the potential to be effective, yet extremely risky. If you aren't especially pleased with the results of HGH therapies, you may consider anti- aging HGH injections. Keep in mind, they are costly, the sprays have not been scientifically proven to work. You may consider the natural supplements, also known as HGH releasers because they have been proven to be effective and they are less risky.

Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/

Ballet Shoes 2007 - Part 1

Anti Aging Therapy | Anti Aging Products | Anti Aging Solutions

Author: Alien

Many young and old are looking for an Anti aging therapy solution to stop or minimize the aging process. While anti aging therapy marketers and manufacturers claim that they have the ultimate selection of anti aging therapy products that will help you in reducing and/or eliminating wrinkles, crowfeet, sags, fine lines, splotching, and other signs of aging.

But none of these anti aging therapy products has found the remedy that will stop nature all together. Thus, you can understand the aging process, as well as selecting the anti aging therapy for minimizing the aging process by understanding the skin, body, and how exercise plays a large part in aging, as well as dieting.


Melatonin while works with sleep, also produces hormones through the glands known as pineal. Thus, this antioxidant is great for reducing fatigue caused from sleepless nights, in turn preserving the age. This anti aging therapy product was also found to guard against aging processes, including diseases caused from degenerative.

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is one of the body’s hormone productions that is enforced by the adrenal, and is the predecessor of the hormones backed by steroids, including testosterone and estrogen.

The skin is affected immensely and will start to show signs of aging as soon as the DHEA starts to reduce. Therefore, anti aging products with this ingredient and no harmful ingredients may be the best anti aging therapy.

Some of the chemicals found in anti-aging therapy solutions, deodorants, make-up, and other products are connecting to cancer, thus making sure, you avoid the chemicals and most significantly learn about them before buying a product may save your life.

Vitamins are great for restoring and preserving youth. Few of the better vitamins are Vitamin B6, B12, A, C, and E. The vitamin regimens are found to keep the skin lively while restoring the body’s cells.


Acetyl-L-Carnitine enforces energy while boosting mitochondrial, which transmits oxidation and fatty acids. Thus, the cells are the target and therefore it can restore the faces youth.

Some of the better choices of anti aging therapy ingredients are Green tea extract and fish oils. If you find anti-aging therapy products that include these two ingredients and the first two listed without other ingredients including Carcinogen and paraben, then you found the anti aging therapy product of a lifetime.


You can find Aloette Time Restore Serums on the market for around $50 for a 2x1 ounce bottle. This anti aging therapy solution is said to help the skin continue firmness while helping the face look youthful.

The serum is a hydrating solution that works with coloration, while smoothing the tone of the skin and reducing wrinkles and fine lines. Few celebrities have chosen this anti aging therapy solution, as well as others seeking to restore youth.

A review claimed that this anti aging therapy product is excellent and the person had fewer lines on the face area, and the product works well for sensitive types of skin. The person claimed that after a couple of weeks her lines diminished.

This anti aging therapy product is said to be aroma free, and it leaves the skin with a smooth feeling. Thus, according to few one drop and $52 dollars can provide you a wrinkle free face.

Other critics claimed the same anti aging therapy product gave no effect, even though it provides moisture to the skin. A person claimed that this anti aging therapy product irritates the flesh if you have sensitive skin, contradicting the other critics claim that no side effects were visual.

This anti aging therapy product contains alcohol, acids and extracts that apparently tighten the skin; however, the person claimed she had experienced a sensation of burning. This anti aging therapy solution has ingredients, including Vitamin C and E.

The protective antioxidants in the solution have properties that supposedly reduce wrinkles and fines. Furthermore, the solution has boosting hydration properties that include the vitamins named.

However another critic purchasing the same anti aging therapy product believing the claims made from the manufacturers and sellers that the product considerably reduces wrinkles and lines, thus, the person felt this anti aging therapy product gave a no effect.

Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/

March Birthstone - Aquamarine

Author: Miltongems.co.uk

"More commonly women are aware of their birthstone then man, simply because women tend to wear more jewelry with their birthstone it in. Even if you do know what your birthstone is it is still unlikely that you will know that the significance of your stone is.

Aquamarine is also known for being the anniversary gem for the 19th year of marriage. You can find the majority of this stone in Brazil, Nigeria, and Zambia.

The name aquamarine is made by combining the Latin words water (aqua) and sea (mare). Aquamarine is obviously named for resembling the blue dark seawater. Aquamarine is made up of a variety of minerals that crystallize within the earth’s crust.

Aquamarine can vary is color from a blue-green to a light blue. For a while the stones that contained green were often heat-treated to get rid of the unsightly color. Generally aquamarine gemstones are flawless.

It is said that if you dream of aquamarine that this signifies the making of new friends. Wearing aquamarine brings you love and affection. Giving this gemstone offers the gift of knowledge, foresight, and individual inspiration. It also symbolizes youth, fidelity, hope, and health.

When purchasing this precious stone be sure to buy it from a reputable source. This gem can fade upon prolonged exposure to light.

There are many people who believe that aquamarine can help on the dependence of drugs, as an aid in digestion, and can be used as a remedy for swollen glands. Aquamarine is also believed to release anger and negativity and replacing it with mental peace and clarity. It is widely used as an aid in meditation and to help assist in self-expression.

It is believed that the connection with water led to the thought that aquamarine was particularly powerful if immersed in water."

Source: http://www.articlesbase.com
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