Will Skin Care Products Really Slow Down the Aging Process?

By: Gloria Mactaggart

As we get older we naturally become concerned about the changes our bodies are going through and many of us seek to slow or reverse these changes. One of the major places those changes are evident is our skin. It becomes dry, thin, a little brittle and a little wrinkled. Smile lines and frown lines that used to be there only when we smiled or frowned seem to be there somewhat permanently. Can skin care products help us age a little more gracefully and not quite so rapidly?

Unfortunately, depending on skin care products alone will not get the results we’re hoping for. Neither will cosmetic surgery, unless you want to spend half your life and all your retirement money either at the surgeon’s office, in the hospital, or recovering from the bruising and battering from our last bout with the surgeon’s knife. Cosmetic surgery doesn’t last forever.

However, there are diet and lifestyle changes you can make that may help.

Diet: The food we eat contains the nutrients our bodies need to stay healthy. Generally speaking, a healthy body lasts longer and ages slower than one plagued with illness, disease, or even long-term deprivation of the nutrients we need, which is, unfortunately, the condition many of us living in developed countries face. Years of processed, packaged and chemical-laden foods grown on depleted soil eventually take their toll. We lose our energy, start picking up whatever little bug is going around, and we start looking old. Our once clear, evenly-colored smooth and supple skin that seemed to just do fine on it’s own is now begging for nourishment. Does it get it? In most cases, the answer is no. Instead, we opt for skin care products that promise to handle the problem from the outside in. It’s never too late to change your eating habits to healthy, natural, organic food.

Exercise: Another big problem for most of us. I think the world was intentionally designed to get us off our butt. But all that has changed. Exercise is number two: Get that blood circulating. Get those muscles working, you can even try facial exercises to firm the skin instead of using skin care products. Use it, or lose it.

Chemicals and pollutants: the scourge of industrialization. We breathe them, ingest them, clean our floors, dishes and bathrooms with them, and even slather them on our skin. We can’t do much about breathing them, it’s going to take government controls to do that, but we can use natural cleaning and skin care products in our home and on our bodies. We can also use a shielding lotion. A good shielding lotion bonds with the outer layer of skin to form a protective layer that locks out chemicals.

Sleep: I’ve heard it said that we need less sleep as we get older. Although it’s true many older people sleep less, I haven’t seen any scientific proof that older bodies need less sleep. The body rejuvenates while sleeping, how could older bodies possibly need less rejuvenation. Get your eight hours in; you’ll look and feel younger.

If you want to look and feel younger, and slow the aging process, making these changes will help immensely. In fact, if you start early enough you might even find you’re one of those vibrant 50 or 60-somethings that no one would ever guess has already been around for five or six decades. Your best anti-aging medicine a healthy, natural, active life, not a medicine cabinet full of expensive anti-aging skin care lotions, potions and creams, but don’t forget the shielding lotion, that’s one skin care product you don’t want to go without.

Author, Gloria MacTaggart, is an expert author on skin care solutions and contributes articles on skin care for 21st Century Formulations. For more information, please visit http://www.SkinMDNatural.com.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

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