Mandy Moore Says Zachary Levi's Singing Voice In 'Tangled' Will 'Astonish People'

In the mood for a good ol' classic Disney film, and "The Princess and the Frog" didn't quite do it for you? Well, the Mouse House is looking to solve that problem with their upcoming "Tangled," taking the personalities and vocal talents of Mandy Moore and—surprisingly!—"Chuck's" Zachary Levi and using them to tell the story of "Rapunzel."

MTV News sat down with Mandy to talk about the film and what it meant to the singer-turned-actress. Hint: it was the opportunity of a lifetime.

"I'm definitely the quintessential girl who grew up watching 'The Little Mermaid' and 'Beauty and the Beast' and 'Aladdin' and the like, so it was probably one of the coolest things I've done thus far, being in the studio with Alan Menken and a 65-piece orchestra," Mandy said. "Being there with the orchestra and hearing the score sort of come to life and what the feel of the movie was going to be at different parts was like, 'Oh, OK, now I really get what we're doing.' So that was definitely a moment for me. It was the first time I met Zach [Levi]."Zach, who is best known for being a nerd-turned-spy in NBC's hit series "Chuck," was not initially known for his vocal talents. However, Mandy promises that he has plenty of skill singing and will impress many with "Tangled."

"They wanted to cast actors in the roles who could also sing, and I had no idea that he sang, and it turns out he's like a big musical-theater nut and had that in his background," Mandy said. "He has a beautiful voice, but he has the perfect voice for something like this. He's such a sweet guy, and he's so funny in the movie, but I think his voice will astonish people."

She describes the story as very similar to the original Rapunzel fairytale, despite the film's name change to attract more male viewers than "The Princess and the Frog" did. Mandy promises that fans will understand the general premise of the film from its trailer, but there will be more adventure to come once Zachary's Flynn meets Mandy's Rapnuzel.
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