High School Musical 3: Will Zac Efron Be Bac


As early as now, fans and viewers alike are speculating about Zac Efron's return as the lead Troy Bolton in the phenomenal High School Musical 3, which begins filming in early 2008 for a release in early 2009. However, there hasn't been any finalized script yet, nor has the negotiations been set in writing.

Many believe that he doesn't need the final installment to increase his popularity, as he, unlike his HSM co-stars, already has his solo film, Hairspray, to be proud about. Aside from that, he also recently made it into the cover of Rolling Stone. How's that for launching his career?

It is likely that Efron will be returning to the Disney made-for-TV film. It wouldn't hurt if he did. In fact, it would only bring him more publicity and would also further his acting career. Besides, the 20-year-old actor is comfortable with his family friendly image. High School Musical 3 will only do him good if he decides to have that image for keeps.

Some are speculating that Efron may ask for as much as $5 million, but it would be likely that it would be less. Will Disney risk their franchise for a cheap replacement? I don't think so. However, the High School Musical tour comes to mind. If you could remember, the whole main ensemble was there, except for Efron. But still, fans were quick to make a dash for the tour, and it was a brilliant success. This only means that Efron isn’t exactly “the man.” The other Disney stars in the High School Musical franchise have made it uniquely their own, and they can make it good without Efron.

Nonetheless, if everything would go smoothly, then that means both Disney and Efron have come to a meeting point where both are satisfied.

It's too early to tell, and it will be up to Efron in the end to decide whether he will be there for the last hurrah.

For more resources about High School Musical 3: Will Zac Efron Be Back High School Musical 3: Will Zac Efron Be Back? or for the full story of High School Musical please review this link http://www.buddytv.com

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