High School Musical Star Soars To New Heights


High School Musical star Corbin Bleu has recently risen to a different level as he joined a number of teachers to literally go into weightlessness. Believing that science is fun and not just for geeks, the young star teamed up with The Northrop Grunman Foundation of Los Angeles to celebrate 50 years in space. As part of his participation, he joined the teachers as they lifted off the ground and conducted other experiments which were designed to test Newton's Laws of Motions.

The teachers, along with Bleu, were taken up in a plane where they experienced no gravity. The modified plane also allowed the other passengers to move around and conduct their experiments.

"You literally can spin around and flip and do anything, like push off the wall and go flying across the room like Superman," Blue explained to TVGuide later.

After their experience, the teachers went back to their classrooms, sharing their learnings and photos of the event with their students. The organizers of the event aimed to increase the interest in science among children, with the help of Corbin Bleu, a popular figure in that age bracket. Blue added that the organization approached him with this offer, as they believed that he was a good role model who could promote science and math to students.

In addition, TVGuide asked Blue for some tidbits on the upcoming High School Musical 3.

"It's really going to be nice to go back for one last hurrah and then just finish up the whole High School Musical phenomenon," he said.

Currently, there has been no script produced yet, but the basic idea will revolve around the students' senior year at East High.

Once the final High School Musical film is over, Bleu will be looking forward to pursuing other projects that will be different than what he has done before. His upcoming film, Metal Burning, is about a teenager who supports his family, subsequently developing an interest in Motocross. Bleu also aspires to become a producer aside from being an actor.

For more resources about High School Musical Star Soars To New Heights or for the full story of High School Musical please review this link http://www.buddytv.com

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