Chantelle Paige: I'm About To Flip video + song

Flypside's newest member Chantelle Paige has just been added as fourth member. At this moment they are working on Flypside's second album (Chantelle's first) which is going to be produced by Akon (who else nowadays??). We are still loving "I'm About To Flip" song by pop artist Chantelle Paigechantelle paige latest hairstyles
although its been over three months since was given a 'Thumbs Up' here at MusicRemedy (July, 2008). An oldie but didnot make it to 'goodie'. Apparantly not enough attention to make it to the top. A pity... Below we have collected all music video/streams to make it as easy as possible to watch/listen to "I'm About To Flip" by Chantelle Paige.
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