Hot Mama!

Having a baby is a big deal. Your body goes through changes that are just unbelievable and then it recovers only to possibly do it again in the near future. On average, most women will gain 25-35 pounds during a normal pregnancy. When I was pregnant, I got so frustrated hearing others telling me that I was “eating for 2” when all I was thinking about was how to eat healthy. In fact, when pregnant, you only need an additional 100-300 calories a day. That equals the equivalent of an apple, a handful of crackers, or 1 cup of cottage cheese. That does not equal the equivalent of a cheeseburger and fries in the middle of the day after you have had a healthy lunch. If you are considered “overweight” than you should only gain 15-25 pounds. Guess what, most of us are considered “overweight”.
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