Tom and Chantelle sittin' in a tree

For the second time in a while, cameras have caught Tom Kaulitz enjoying the company of the fairer sex, and this time its sparked as much fansite traffic as the first. reported the scandalamity Sunday with picture proof. Tom and Chantelle Paige were hanging out in Hamburg recently and "steaming up the windows" with a makeout session. After that they disappeared inside of a hotel for a couple of hours.

Longtime fans will remember afterparty photos of Tom putting his playa skills to work with a girl back in '05. It has never really been confirmed whether or not she was just a girl or a girlfriend, but to a lot of Tom fans it really doesn't matter!

Sunday we hung out in the chat room on Cherrytree's website, where Chantelle answered questions about her relationship with Tom. It's safe to say that Tokio Hotel fans were very protective, wondering about her intentions with their heartthrob. She answered almost everything and was good natured about the whole situation: " EVERYONE HAS BAD EXPERIENCES.... ;-) HAHAHA .... I HAD ONE THIS MORNING WHEN I SAW THE PICS HAHAHA THAT WAS HORRIFYING".

Says one fan, "Oh my gosh, I'm so excited about all this new gossip! I hope it works out, because I think they're cute together."

Not all fans are positive, as jealousy has been rearing its head: "It really hurts my heart! I need to quit obsessin over these celebrities."

Overall, the couple (if they can be called that) seem to be having sincere fun and kind of acting like school kids. Wanna see? Watch the video below. It gives a whole new meaning to Peeping Tom, no?chantelle paige latest hairstyles
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