Our State of Survival Review

I just had a chance to listen to “state of survival”, in a way I was dissapointed, being a chantelle fan I was expecting more of her sound, the usual Flipsyde read within the lines for a deeper meaning touch is still there, though I wish some of the phrases were harder to understand, enstead of being bluntly worded into what to me seemed as cheap lines… Overall this is a great put together album, I can honestly say I enjoy every song off the album, and that only happened once, a year ago with Gaga’s debut album “The Fame”, and well look at her now.

Friends, is definitely a club hit, due to it’s catchy beats and melody, it is an overall celebration to everyone who has made us “our friends”, i dont really like Chantelle’s voice on the chorus though (im looking for a new friend), its too edited, and made “chipmunk like”…

Green Light is one of the catchiest songs in the album, it is produced by red one (so the song has a slight lady gaga twist to it), and the lyrics make this an overall great clubbing flirtatious song… I guarantee you, this will be many girls favorite song…. Deff not Flipsyde though, i actually smiled when i heard this for some reason

If you really love me, contains really touching lyrics, revolving around the comfusement that soon to be couples go through as they wonder if what they are experiencing is love, and whether or not it is mutual.

This is the life is such an inspirational melody, although I doubt it will be a single, I hope people give it a listen, it has a great message.

Welcome to Hollywood, the tittle is self explanatory, it discusses the struggles artists go through reaching fame, as well as how people tend to loose their hearts once they make it… i love Chantelle’s verse on it, i got rather sad when i heard it, because im sure she has gone through that a lot, because of her looks.

state of survival was defenetely not the kind of song I expected, in my opinion one of the weakest in the cd..Older Flipsyde fans will love this though ;p

Spinning, is one of my favorite songs in the album, it is greatly produced, and it’s just one of those songs that will bring a smile to your face…

Toss it up, I think is one of the most misunderstood tracks on the album, yet is one of the best in the album if you really pay attention and try to desipre the lyrics… Don’t let some of the mild mainstreat terms fool you

A change is a song with a beautiful meaning, although the beggining is a bit weak, I felt such great emotion as I listened to chantelle’s part, consolation through Steve’s verse, and truth in piper’s part (though not his best in the album)

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