Jessica Biel may be the token woman in The A-Team.

It’s four badass guys kicking ass, with Lieutenant Sosa on their tail. Biel knew her role in the movie and was happy to play her part in the boys’ club.

Jessica Biel Tracks The A-Team

“This is what it’s like, you don’t compete with it,” Biel said. “You just enjoy it. It was an incredible experience. We really had a great time. Obviously, you can see that it’s a load of fun to be with these guys all day long. I feel like I definitely kind of came into the club and crushed all the boy club with the girl energy coming in but they were very lovely to me. It was literally like being around 5 older brothers. I was tortured and loved and cared for and picked on as I should have been. It was a beautiful experience.” Sosa has to play by the book so she wants to bring The A-Team in. Maybe along the way she learns that their methods aren’t so bad. “If I could be an eighth of her, that would be amazing. I feel like we share a similar quality with I guess ambition and career, drive. I feel like I’m probably quite ambitious and so is Sosa. But she also has that quality of not being afraid and of being an adrenaline junkie. I share that a little bit but that no fear, balls to the walls quality that all of these characters share and the people in real life who do these jobs have those qualities. They’re not very serious people. They’re wildly outrageous and fun and smart and witty. I would kill to be like that.”
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