Emma Watson: Favourites and Titbits about Harry Potter actress

Harry Potter actress and Daniel Radcliffe’s co-star Emma Watson is the ravishing actress who, much like her geeky character of Hermione Granger, has prioritised studies over films. Here are some interesting titbits about her:


1. Emma’s favourite actor is the maverick Johnny Depp and her fav actress is the America’s sweetheart Julia Roberts.
2. Emma, like most of the girls prefers mushy rom-coms and her fav film is Notting Hill.
Personal Life:

Emma is quite an active person and though her screen avatar is never seen playing Quidditch, in real life she is a wizard on the ground. She loves to play hockey, tennis, netball. Besides, she is also a pro in skiing, dancing and singing. And she has a flair for painting and coking as well. Much like her reel life character (who has a cat named Crookshanks), Emma has cats funkily named Bubbles and Domino.


Here are some quotable quotes from Emma Watson:

1. “It was unbelievable seeing me as an action figure! In a few months, toddlers all around the country will be biting my head off!”
2. “If anyone else played Hermione, it would actually kill me.”
3. “There are so many scripts and they are fantastic. I think I would like to do something different, maybe something smaller.”
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