Lady Gaga and Rihanna experiments with looks

Pop stars like Lady Gaga and Rihanna are continuously experimenting with their looks in order to standout from the rest of the crowd.

Lady Gaga keeps changing her hair styles along with her outfits. Whether it's a stage performance or a public appearance, Lady Gaga's hair style matches her clothes. She wears colourful wigs with her innovative outfits. Recently she wore a white wig with her meat dress.
Rihanna is doing her bit to stay in spotlight. Rihanna changed her hair style and hair colour with every album. She entered the pop world with her usual dark hair. But over past few years she has been changing her hairstyle often. She coloured her hair blonde last year with the release of "Rated R" album. This year "Rude Boy" singer opted for red as she is about release her fifth album "Loud".

Speaking about her new hairdo Rihanna said: "With my hair I was ready for something new, something loud, something expressive and something fun. I'd had blonde hair and it was so boring for me. Black is still my favourite colour, but this time I wanted something edgier because I don't like the edgyclothes any more. I guess I had to take the edge to somewhere else - my hair!"
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