Joanna Krupa in a hostel in Dyminy

Overcrowded cages, malnourished animals, and lack of care of a veterinarian. Just a month ago was in a hostel in Dyminy. After the closure of the facility the animals were placed for adoption, and those who were cared for by volunteers. Today Dyminy visited model Joanna Krupa, also known to fight for animal rights.

The shelter continues to reside in Dyminy dozens of animals. The rest is already ranked in good hands. Those who were caring for shelter workers and volunteers.
Some dogs were outrageously treated by their owners. Now they can count on good care because every day there someone who looks denounce karma or brought out for a walk.

Asked what the facility further with the Kielce still remains unanswered. There are many ideas, but some have criticized the loss of defender of animals. For example, there is the transfer of youth to Piekoszów. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals says that the capital city must have its shelter, and residents easy access to it.

About Dyminy it got loud after the media revealed the inhumane conditions in which they were housed. Today in Kielce occurred Joanna Krupa model known for her defense of animal rights and the controversial poster promoting the adoption of dogs. Immediately after the visit to the shelter model met the President of Kielce interviewed, among others about what you can do to avoid a repeat of the situation with Dymin.

World-famous model, announced that it is not her last visit in Kielce, because the fate of stray animals is particularly close to her.
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