It's settled, Kim Kardashian vouches for Fox News

Fox News has finally found a neutral third-party with the credibility needed to stand up to the naysayers and defend the conservative network from detractors.

Enter Kim Kardashian of reality television fame.

As's FishbowlDC noted before the White House Correspondents' Association Dinner:

[Fox News Channel] has announced that it will bring Kim Kardashian as a guest to the White House Correspondents' Dinner. CBS's Katie Couric invited Kardashian and football star Reggie Bush a few months back, but Kardashian turned CBS down.

News that Kardashian turned down CBS News in favor of Fox News made's heart flutter. The news gathering arm of the right-wing Media Research Center reported this week (emphasis added, though I use the word "reported" loosely when citing

Actress and model Kim Kardashian turned down CBS's invitation to attend the White House Correspondents Dinner, but told that she decided to attend as a guest of Fox News' Greta Van Susteren. Kardashian added that Fox News Channel, which is often criticized by liberals, is "very reputable" and "the only news in the house" where she resides.

Unless Brody Jenner or the cast of Real Housewives of New Jersey trump Kardashian with public statements in support of Glenn Beck, the reality show star's comments alone should be all we need here at Media Matters to pack-up and leave Fox News alone for a while.
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