Mila Kunis: Sex Scene With Natalie Portman ‘Wasn’t Done for Shock Value’

Mila Kunis displays some dazzling moves in Black Swan as a laid-back ballerina who’s the opposite of the uptight perfectionist played by Natalie Portman.

Both actresses were determined not to fake the dancing in the dark thriller. Kunis told Parade’s Jeanne Wolf what she went through to make it real. Plus, what it took to get through a shockingly explicit moment of on-screen passion with her co-star, not to mention going even further in her next film with Justin Timberlake.

She liked playing a free spirit.
“I appreciated her ability to separate her life from her career and kind of want to live life to the fullest. I think that can be healthy as opposed to being a perfectionist or a workaholic. I’m not very competitive, which is not to say I’m not driven because I am. I like to work because it’s selfishly fulfilling for me. I have fun. I’m proud of what I do and I push myself and challenge myself. But it has nothing to do with competing with anybody except myself.”

See exclusive photos of Mila Kunis

No pain, no gain.
“I tore a ligament the first month of rehearsals, and I hyper-extended my right shoulder four week before we started production. I had no idea what I was in for. You do ballet as a kid and you wear a tutu and you stand on stage and look cute and twirl. This is very different because you can’t fake it. You can’t just pretend you know what you’re doing. The training was the toughest thing I’ve ever done.”

Photos: Hollywood stars show off their dance moves

The torture of dancing on pointe.
“Toe shoes are a horrible invention, absolutely grotesque. I learned how to de-shank a shoe — to take out the wooden thing at the very bottom of it because it was crippling me. I couldn’t even walk straight.”

In bed with Natalie.
“We knew it was going to attract attention. We were just hoping that people would walk away after seeing the movie not just isolating in their memory that scene when we have sex. I think it’s important to the story. It wasn’t done for shock value, but we weren’t looking forward to it.”

Exclusive photos from our sexy shoot with Natalie Portman

And it wasn’t fun.
“I don’t think we were laughing between takes. I think we were like, ‘Let’s just get this over with.’ It’s uncomfortable doing a sex scene. It’s just bizarre. Luckily, we were friends, so we were able to get through it.”

Warning to her dad: More heavy breathing to come.
“Next is Friends with Benefits, which we wrapped two months ago. Justin Timberlake and I play friends who are in a relationship where they try to have casual sex without any emotional attachment. Justin and I have quite a few unclothed moments. But he made it easy for me by kidding around and keeping me laughing. I feel sorry for my dad though. If I’m not mistaken, he walked out during the sex scene in Black Swan. I just don’t think he wants to envision his daughter doing that kind of thing. I’m not sure if he’s going to be able to see Friends with Benefits. He’ll be leaving the theater a lot. I think I might have to ban him.”
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