The Sun, a luxury yacht in the air and love - a paradise! A piece of paradise was haukattua 35-year-old bikinikaunotar Fergie, who spent the holiday in her husband, Josh Duhamel and his friends with luksusjahdilla. Black Eyed Peas singer Timmi the band dancing on deck luxury yacht golden bikini, when the barque halkoi the Caribbean Sea. Fergie is an avid athlete, a woman which cure to solid abdominal muscles.
Fergie was seen talking on deck the rapper P. Diddy on-off girlfriend Kim Porter, while the women took the sun. Kim Porter and P. Diddylla has twin girls D'Lila Star and Jessie James.
Fergie seemed to be nothing short of the moon dancing on deck, and this halatessaan husband as the only love. When my legs were once again firmly on the ground, Fergie and Josh rushed romantic dinner, St Bartsin Ti-named restaurant.
Fergie and Josh have been dating since 2004. Married couple 10 january 2009.