Life & Style Weekly Has Proof Of Selena & Justin’s Romance?

Life & Style Weekly claims to have real photos of Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez‘s love. Or at least that is what they proclaimed on their cover. However, some of the photos are supposedly be called false by others.

The same magazine has also given other rumors about their “relationship” as well. I wonder if either of their reps will come out and call out Life & Style? It seems so rude for a magazine to make up stories and we all know that they do.Will you buy the issue just to read their article or do you think it would be a waste of money? I know that I have stated before that I do think that they might be together, but I don’t believe that people should make up stuff either. I do think that Justin and Selena should just give a yes or no answer-but this their choice and we should respect it. What do you all think about this case?
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