Can Kim Kardashian be a positive influence on Lindsay Lohan?

According to reports Dina Lohan is staying at the Kardashians while Lindsay is in rehab and Kim Kardashian and Lindsay Lohan have become friends.

A source says Kris Jenner has become a close confidante.

"Kris has been offering support and had Dina stay with her in LA when Lindsay appeared in court. Kim has also struck up a friendship with Lindsay, and because Kim doesn't party, doesn't touch drugs and doesn't really drink, they hope she'll be a good influence."

It's nice to see the Kardashian's reaching out to help Dina Lohan during this rough time. Hopefully they can help her in her time of need.
It is also nice to see that Kim Kardashian and Lindsay Lohan have become friends. If Lindsay Lohan needs anything right now it is a good influence on her behavior. Between her other friends and her father she really has no one to turn to. The fact that Kim Kardashian isn't known for hard partying, drugs or alcohal is a good thing and should help Lohan realize that you can live your life and be popular and sucessful with out doing any of those things.
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