Jessica Alba thinks that her body's a bit iffy after having a baby

Jessica Alba has told UK GQ Magazine how since having her wee sprog two-years-ago her boobs are saggy,
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she has celulite and her hips have got wider. She also goes onto explain how loads of other Hollywood ladies are far prettier than her like Beyonce, Natalie Portman, Jessica Biel and Scarlett Johansson.

Um, okay. Now, let's get this straight: the lady said this while posing in a teeny weeny itsy bitsy bikini on the cover of a men's magazine. We're not sure she's feeling as self-conscious as one might think upon reading about her saggy babalons.

Also, in up-coming movie 'Machete' she's shown naked looking pretty damn foxy. She wasn't actually naked when filming, she was wearing pants, but they air-brushed them out. (A little tidbit for you there, fact fans).
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