Emily Osment Q&A

20 October 2010 - We recently sat down with Emily Osment to talk about her acting career and her new debut album, Fight or Flight.

Kidzworld: You are well-known for your work on Hannah Montana and Spy Kids, but you have recently turned to music, do you plan to do more acting in the future?

Emily: I have many future plans with acting. I love it with all my heart and it allows me to express myself in ways I never thought possible.

Kidzworld: Were you surprised that your single Let’s be Friends was such a hit? What did that feel like?

Emily: Yes, very surprised. It’s not even the single in the states! It is such a silly song and it makes me wanna dance. I hope it does for you too!

Kidzworld: You have a new album out, and got to work with big-time producer Nellee Hooper, who has been behind big name acts like Madonna, U2 and No Doubt. What was it like making the album?
Emily: An unforgettable experience. Every day I learned more about making music and how I wanted to be perceived in the music industry. Nellee is a complete inspiration and really helped me find a cohesive sound to this record.

Kidzworld: How would you describe your new album Fight of Flight? Did you do a lot of the songwriting?

Emily: This is my first debut record. I feel like every song is a piece of me and it’s a bit frightening to think that all of these little pieces of my heart are on one record and you can literally buy it. I worked for a year making and writing this music and I can’t wait to see the reaction when it comes out on the fifth of October.

Kidzworld: Have you always wanted to do music? What set you in that direction?

Emily: My family really set me on the right path with that one. I grew up listening to all of those bands you are supposed to listen to. My brother introduced me to Radiohead, Incubus and Beck and I thought to myself, “How can I make other people feel the way that I feel right now when I listen to a song that I love?”

Kidzworld: You have been touring lately; what do you like most about that experience?

Emily: The entire lifestyle of touring is my most favorite thing in the world. A different city every night, traveling across the country with a circus of 50 people you absolutely love, sleeping in a waking up only to sound check in your PJs and mostly the feeling you get when you walk on stage, it’s the most fun I have ever had. I am obsessed with my band and I love getting up and exploring around a city with them. I never want to stop doing this.

Kidzworld: What’s been the most embarrassing moment for you in the entertainment biz so far?

Emily: Growing up in the spotlight can be hard, but I feel I have done a pretty good job of keeping my most embarrassing moments to myself.

Kidzworld: Who would you like to work with the most terms of acting?

Emily: Ralph Fiennes, Meryl Streep, Ed Norton, Emma Stone, Baz Luhrmann and Ben Affleck.

Kidzworld: Your brother is a pretty famous actor [Haley Joel Osment]. Are you two competitive with your talents? How are you guys different?

Emily: Absolutely not, we are not competitive with our careers only our sports. We are four years apart so we do live different lives on opposite coasts but we listen to the exact same type of music and love the same books, and we’re related, so we have a lot in common.
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